I had the unfortunate horror of seeing the tv movie once when i was like 5.
I had the unfortunate horror of seeing the tv movie once when i was like 5.
i must be the only one that likes the 3rd one, huh
god, that Shatner impersonation was hilarious.
I still think that is the best scene of batman even done in any form
nah, a writer at jez got mad at me for pointing out after Drumpf won that plurality and majority were two different things, and that they were technically incorrect by using majority when they should have been using plurality.
they didn’t like that so they re-grayed me.
FREE perks too!
I’m like halfway drunk right now because i just got done writing about 32 pages of essays in 3 days, and this is the greatest thing i have read today.
My favorite arcade experince had to have been playing a Soul Calibur 2 arcade at Downtown Disney world back in like 2010.
The people playing were doing winner stays, challenger pays format.
how do you throw someone like Kurt Warner in there then, Owen?
considering he was undrafted and was never expected to turn out the way he did
if they kill bumblebee, I am done
hmmm, maybe this explains why my Uncle drank about a 12 pack of bud light for 20 years daily
they also passed a bill that says the republicans have to get this new healthcare, so thats something
isn’t it ironic?
which was a shame, as, if the ACA had ACTUALLY been like the MA bill it was based on, in which both parties in MA worked together to create a good bill, the ACA could have been amazing.
not pictured: Rays fans.
Albert you might be right.
How the senate voted: https://www.healthreformvotes.org/congress/roll-call-votes/s396-111.2009
how the house voted: https://www.healthreformvotes.org/congress/roll-call-votes/h165-111.2010