
That's the thing. There's a difference between atheist and anti-theism. An Atheist is simply someone who doesn't believe in god. An anti-theist is someone who's against religion. There's a lot of overlap lately. I have a lot of atheist friends who just don't give a shit about other people's beliefs. But I do have

So I've had long hair for at least 85% of my life. It's currently at the point where I have to stand up when I get my hair trimmed.

Hahaha. My friend and I are really obsessed with The Book of Mormon musical, and so we made Build-a-Bears and dressed them as Mormon Missionaries. Now, we run a blog detailing their adventures, as you know, most 19 year old women do.

Oh my god. Those fucking mullet dresses. It was such a pain in the ass prom dress shopping Junior and Senior year because almost every fucking gown was a mullet dress.

I have been doing a lot of re-wiring under my desk at work, and it's pretty dark under there...

For some reason, I don't think it's possible for my life to be anything like how it was back in April 1995.

I've never liked her. I don't like that crass/rude/insult/mean type of humor regardless of who is spewing it. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that she's a woman.

I highly encourage everyone who loves this to go and "like" the rescue he's with on Facebook! Panda Paws Rescue does 95% special medical needs rescues. Super awesome people and suuuper sweet stories. If anyone knows about London the two legged Pit Bull, he's from Panda Paws as well.

If they have any sense, they'll just have it be a shot-for-shot remake of Grey Gardens, starring Kourtney as Big Edie and Khloe as Little Edie and Scott Disick as the various raccoons in the attic.

AH Let's Plays are my favorite. Especially the ones, like this one, where they do so much planning, and it goes completely off the rails.

Kevin Connolly from Entourage broke his leg and Russell Wilson was there for some reason

So I'm 5'5 ft and ~114 lbs. My thing is, my blood pressure is the complete opposite of high, it's actually really low, as I found out about a year and a half ago. When I fainted. In Wal-Mart.

We need a slurpee machine that just serves this at my office. My boss buys 10 cases of Diet Coke from Office Depot every week, so that's all anyone drinks.

That'd be Tabitha Coffey. My hairdresser actually met her some years ago and said she's just as fierce in person as you'd imagine.

God. As someone who's recovering from an eating disorder, I can't tell you how much the fucking Star cover pisses me off.

I think he'd fit in wonderfully in Seattle. Coach Carroll is big on letting players be whoever they are and not making a big deal about it.

Go Hawks!!!!

Dating allowed after 16th birthday? Heavenly Father? This is more than likely an LDS related promise ring.

Hell yeah! P!nk has always been my fucking hero. She's just a badass.

Oh wow. I know the girl in the Chewbacca shirt on the left at 2:24.