
Anyone else find this difficult to follow? I think it's because it's all quotations, but the aim of this article was lost to me a quarter of the way through.

Justin Beiber

That makes sense, but when modems are as cheap and reliable as they are, the maintenance costs are near zero. There is a threshhold, and you end up paying far more to the cable companies than you would if you just bought a new modem every time the old one screwed up. I appreciate your points, but at this time, I'll

No, but is this really a service? We have the same problem down here with Knology (TWC of the central Southeast). They say that renting is better because you can upgrade the modem to keep it SotA, but they rarely provide upgrades unless you keep at them. And the monthly charge ends up far surpassing the actual cost

I just want to say, and I don't mean to take either side in this argument, comparing Apple to a car company always makes me laugh, because they seem to be taking the same approach to products as the auto industry used to.

As someone who responds to government RFPs, sometime (most times actually) they contain very detailed proprietary pricing data. Very very detailed data. So when it gets released, and made available to the competition, companies get angry.

Oh, thank GOD you found me! I've been stuck down here for months! I was reading an interesting comment string on my iPad concerning the possible design on the iPhone 5, and when I got seven levels deep all the text blurred and I found myself teetering off the edge of a cliff. You saved me! my hero!!

Intelligently written!

Really? Because from my emails, it always seems like those princes are in dire straights...

Hey, as a Southerner I take offense to that! What makes you think they know what the hell broadband is??

I have always wanted to move to Norway or Sweden. The only things that stop me (besides money) are the biting cold of mother nature and the menacing westerly stare of a shirtless Vladamir Putin.

I bet if anything it was metro chrome, not old faithful

"If nothing else, it serves as a reminder that Google is exiled from Windows 8 by default."

I think it is different than Nike this time because of contractors. People don't think "Apple" when they hear about these things, they think "Foxconn". There is a difference there.

I'm still running my old TX2500 with the busted backlight and horrible heat management from 2008 waiting for an awsome Windows 8 machine to finally be my touch/stylus/trackpad/keyboard wet dream come true. I'm with you buddy...

Microsoft said themselves, in front of you, at their headquarters, that the keyboard will take approx. five days to get accustomed to. How is that them saying it's supposed to be instantly comfortable?

See, I've always been suspicious of that. If you look, that happens with every new product. One or two days after they start shipping, suddenly Apple cant make enough to fill demand and stories start popping up everywhere.

They are saving the retina for the next iteration. You know, so they can claim they revolutionized something.

Yes, exactly! I never learned any of this stuff in schools (save college). My, admittedly limited but more expansive than most, knowledge of astrophysics and most science and the like as a child came from the wonder that used to be The Learning Channel, the wonderful Bill Nye, and a habit of actually reading, and

It's not a 0, its an O for "off"