
I'm suprised they didn't mention the iPad in the sunlight part. Reading the damn thing outside pisses me off to no end. Expecially when the auto-brightness feature is enabled, because, for some damn reason, I'll be sitting there reading the thing outside at like 11 AM, not a cloud in the sky, sun out and brightly

A safer bet is probably fusion reactors, as that is more realistic a source.

"On a recent tour, Gizmodo saw the stunning range of the program's capabilities."

Question: Are you sexually attracted to fetuses as well as children?

I hear you love child porn!

"alright guys, we did it. it's over. Pack your shit and get the hell out, this building has been promised to the business college."

You aren't the ONLY one, sir...

What about a ban on viewers of child pornography, Mr. Kidwell?

It was a joke dude, stay calm. If anything, what pissed Putin and russia off about all this missile defense stuff was walking away from the ABM treaty, which I personally think is a great thing that Bush did.

Why I find something like this interesting, is that it isn't isolated to space! Think about the implications these things could have!

Good article! Technically though, MDA doesn't operate the missiles. MDA is more closely related to something like DARPA, in which they develop, procure and test new technologies when, after proven, are fielded by the armed forces. Technically, the NAVY solely operates the system (well, there is the Aegis-Land

PDK = Pre-Development Kit? Just curious, never seen that initalism before.

regard for, and "listened to" are two completely different things. First off. There is a difference in showing appreciation for your customers and doing everything they say.

what's that picture from? It looks like a bad horror movie...

Anyone else think "holy crap this is what a patent of a clock face would look like"??

Yeah, at least, sorta. If you think about the scenario - company orientation, probably in some conference room with many other newbies, the "paperwork" phase takes maybe an hour at the start and the walk-through consists of "initial here, here, here and sign here", and the documents being signed are not only legal

While I tend to agree with your sentiment, in practice it can be quite different. I work in contracts, and NDAs are my bread and butter. I can tell you from experience that, to a lay person, discerning the actual meaning of an NDA can be damn near impossible. When that's added to the fact that he probably signed

Just ask yourself this: Would Palin be as hurt, and in the same way, for the same reasons, as Hilldog?

Oh, okay. I get your comment now. That makes sense. I was just disturbed at comparing Hillary to Palin more than anything else. I mean, you've got someone who was uber-qualified for the house or senate when she was first lady, and someone who barely meets the minimum qualifications for first lady who could win any