
So, Apple is doing good with Steve gone because they can throw a good conference? Because that's what I got from this.


That is because it has been Appled, and that means it is now innovative, awe-inspiring, gorgeous, sexy, clean, world changing, and shiny (with rounded corners).

Pretty sure he said iPad and not phone...

I'd like her to actually do anything with the phone...

Looks like the MagSafe development office went all Scrooge with the neodymium...

Is it just me, or does that last kid not look that different (save from his soul seemingly having been devoured)?

Nope, you're dead on. Been doin' it for years...

No, it's just been Apple-ized. You know, making something that has existed for a while and really isn't that impressive a "brand new, never before seen" feature.

Wow, really?

Fragmentation? Was that the point? Because this isn't about fragmentation.

Is it really too much to ask that a product be supported longer than, what, 2 years?

I'm with you Hubbinzki. It sucks.

This is what happens when you equate basic education with being a "liberal elite". You see what's happening Republican politicians?! You are dumbing down your staff!

But, unless the baby is there, they are using a pump? Expressing sounds weirder to me.

Holy shit!! Really?! In any browser?

Is it me, or did 50% of this read like Mr. Biddle got dumped by his fiancee in the recent past??

Comic Sans line = priceless...

I have come to hate that fucking sound. Every email, every app notification, in annoying two part harmony, EVERY DAMN TIME.

Vector based instead of tile based maps could, in the long run at least, decrease the amount of data required to display the same information. Not in all cases, but in most, unless I'm mistaken about why it is preferred over tiles...