
Dear lord thank you! This is a clamcase product? So by "holidays" they mean Christmas 2013 and an upfront deposit...

I don't think they are?? IBM is alive and kicking, and I've never heard anyone refer to facebook (or anything except IBM) as "Big Blue".

"That paragraph alone is frightening enough."

I didn't say they would love it, except for Hamilton (who would!). By Framers (F) I meant those who drew up the Constitution and genrally planned the federal form the union would take, and therefore would probably be most concerned with where their handiwork ended up. Founding Fathers (FF) consists of every big name

Or... Dick?

Good, good. You watch HiM, so you are familiar with current chip cutting technology. Perhaps a jet of air? Or we could have workers do it manually, and then charge a premium for "hanmade" fried folded fantasy potatoes.

Good news everyone!

Built mine last year! no pictures, but I splurged and got one of those badass Monueal cases. I LOVE IT.

Let's do it. You, me, Jill, and Mrs. Songstress now have a summer project. It will make the world a better place. They will ask us to do TED Talks.

Don't be that guy!!!!

I'm a little lost. By folded, do you mean those ones that are actually physically folded, and thus collect more flavor for some reason, and are therefore the greatest thing ever. Or is there some sort of new folded potato chip snack I am not aware of?

I still take issue with you on the Founders, which by "Founding Fathers" I'm taking to mean the Framers plus Jefferson and Washington, as they are the only ones who would give two shits. The Founding Fathers were a very very numerous and diverse group of people, most of whom could care less what form the young nation

Yeah, I think that is another reason why people shy away from meds. It takes trial and error before one finds the proper drug/dosage.

All is forgiven... lol.

Woah, dial it back a bit man. This wasn't some veiled attempt at proselytizing! And in Utah, I'll be a year's wages that view is far from popular.

Anyone realize that Pringles are like the ONLY snack this would work with?

Exactly, yes. Depression is by no means rational.

Good example, I'm going to use that now (with permission of course)!

Wow, which episode of Doomsday Preppers were you on? Also, when you look at the back of a dollar, do you see "New World Order" and freak the hell out?

Johnny Mneumonic reference, anyone??