
It's in the pixels I tell you! I have also seen a lot of photoshops in my day.

So it is a Japanese take on Americans take on Japanese cars? Tunerception.

I know you are being sarcastic but they are the bane of my existence. So much wasted money on welding bolts back on, giving up and going to a mechanic, bloody knuckles, swearing, giving up and convincing myself it didn't need fixing anyway. Never ending cycle of hell

If fixing something should take an hour, leave at least the next 4 open for the problems that will pop up in the midst of fixing that. Rusted stubborn bolts, breaking other parts off, Not being able to fit that one final piece back on and you have to take everything apart again, pretty much anything. What can go wrong

Go out to the Bonneville Salt Flats and bust some donuts and high speed runs.


Driving in WNY I'm surprised I have only been in two cars that hit deer, none when I was driving. I did have a deer run into the side of my car while I was driving though.

Ah man I missed this yesterday. No older beetle ads or volvo turbo wagon ads though? Those are always great ones

He was Killing it!

I love everything about this, except for the carbon fibre on the steering wheel. Everything else, Fuck Yes I want to make sweet love to it! For some reason that steering wheel just sticks out in a bad way to me.

Super poke wheels.

Just the other year in 2012 from the art and design school. What about you?

But currently it is impossible to tell with some sort of hard evidence how 'high' someone is. There isn't a hard number like with a BAC test. I'm not disagreeing with you at all. Leaving things to the discretion of the officer that may happen to pull someone over is definitely not the way to go.

Holy shit so did I. I grew up around there though so I knew all the backroads, but some of them were rarely ever traveled and pretty far out there.

I want to be inside it.

Oh, I didn't watch the video.

Probably less of a backup than having to clean up after a truck slamming in to a bridge

Im not the smartest person but I would imagine they put a drain in.