That’s because you were bestoweed the privilege of having one ride by you. I hope you got out of your car and dropped to your knees while chanting “we are not worthy”. It’s the only way to show respect, really.
That’s because you were bestoweed the privilege of having one ride by you. I hope you got out of your car and dropped to your knees while chanting “we are not worthy”. It’s the only way to show respect, really.
Harley riders refuse to acknowledge anyone who’s not on a harley....
At least with the plant in Thailand, the bikes can actually be assembled where the parts are made.
Mine is 21 and I can barely stand it. I know, I’s not that far, but you do 21 miles on the 405 during rush hour and you’ll want to kill people.
The only issue with it is that hard right after the first corner. You lose a lot of speed going through that section. The rest of it is wide enough to maintain a decent line.
There’s a bit of irony in people thinking “ghetto” belongs to the black community.
That’ borders generally work?
The Coast Guard is a military branch that protects our borders. The National Guard is also theoretically there to “repel invaders,” amongst other things.
Logical and sound thinker? Why yes, yes I am. Nice of you to notice.
You want to fix illegal immigration? You could do it pretty much completely in about a year. Here’s what you do: if you catch an illegal immigrant working somewhere, you jail the owner or hiring person for 10 years minimum. You also fine the company $10 million. That’s PER undocumented worker.
“I live in a densely populated area, making me inherently superior.”
My post was satire. I took the original post and switched the behavior he considered offensive with his own inconsiderate behavior and justification to highlight his hypocrisy.
It’s really easy. Don’t be a loud obnoxious douche and you’ll do just fine in Japan.
Yeah you’re right. I did. Just thought he was an aggro dumbass. Now I know he’s an aggro dumbass, but at least he’s in the tent pissing out.
COTD HERE!! Why doesn’t this comment have more stars?
His name is Don Ready, and he sells cars, motherf**ker.
No, he practically gives them away.*
Hi, white female queer intersectional feminist here!
Just a snooty, patronising, intention-seeking, disingenuous wanker.
Omarosa is what the complete absence of a soul, a sense of pride, and any kind of self-respect or dignity looks like.