
“Texas: where criminal dirtbags aren’t treated with sympathy by bleeding-heart pansies.”

If in the market for a Porsche clone I would skip the bathtub step and go straight for the Beck Spyder

Pretty harsh indictment of the entire replica/kit car industry there.

Yeah because God forbid someone whowas previously behind you gets to their destination faster than you. Lane splitting eases congestion on the highway, you should be thanking motorcyclists for doing this. Of course this guy is an asshat, but not because he was splitting.

Your opinion is superb and correct.

That’s not robbery. That’s the have’s sharing with the have not’s. It’s the California way! Socialism at its finest.

You missed that “no people are illegal” or all that happy horse poop.

There is a large left leaning segment of government which does not respect America or her laws. They don’t see the need to follow our laws or how setting a double standard hurts us as a country.

You nor I expect to find sanctuary in France, Italy,

I’m not sure how this necessarily makes sense. The key word I see here is “illegal” immigrants. I have no problem with people who want to immigrate to the US. I have a problem with people bypassing the system and taking advantage of government resources without the government knowing they are here. Does any other

I applaud you! Great use of a work truck.

Do you cut in line at the grocery store too?

This is a child’s mentality.

Yeah, cause everyone shoulder passing is totally on their way to the hospital. There must be a shit ton of medical emergencies in my city. And they seem to disproportionately effect solo drivers of BMW’s. Crazy

Driving on the shoulder is a good way to pick up nails and sharp objects in motorcycle tires.

To be fair, a sizeable rock in the road can back up traffic anywhere.

If the words really meant those shouting them and putting them on t-shirts actually thought those lives mattered rather than a hate-police Democrat campaign slogan, we’d all cheer.

It’s the ROOT, if it’s cops, they are definitely white, and definitely wrong... what are you expecting, facts here? Logic? Nah, this place exists to reaffirm that all cops are bad and many other cult-like believes.

And people try to tell me poverty isn’t due to an individual’s own bad decisions.

I just buy everything used on Craigslist. No taxes or dealer markup when you buy private party ;)

“Here’s your ever-so-often reminder, just in case anyone’s putting it off: if you have an outstanding recall on your call, get that hot mess fixed right now.”

And he tells Anastasia to wipe that smile off his face.