
Really, it solves the core problem?

And? How does exiling them from humanity solve the core problem? All that does is make a few people feel better (and essentially say that it is ok to dehumanize people for whatever reason). It doesn’t fix anything. It doesn’t prevent any future crimes.

I am rather surprised it hasn’t come yet... starting to wonder if it will.

So this option might be effective and reduce odds of recommitting; but do you want to play odds with your kids? Your spouse? Yourself?

Uh huh, and say you have to kill someone to protect someone. That is still murder, guess we should just lock you away forever. And all of the soldiers, since that is also murder.

And once you have opened the door to dehumanizing one kind of person, what about the next? What will prevent that?

Thank god, I would be very worried about my own character if you didn’t.

Who said men couldn’t have feelings? Where did I say that? The “feelings” expressed on 4chan are all about men not getting what they want from women and then whining about it, while doing things like advocating rape and abuse. Those “feelings” don’t deserve validation or respect, because those “feelings” are really

Everyone has a capacity for violence, and fear = budgets = money. If you believe the 24hr news cycles that are trying to sell you fear and advertising, you’d believe that blacks and latinos (and now “muslims”) were responsible for all the crime in America. We make up 30% of the population collectively: just

No, you are arguing that we should exile them from humanity and place them in an enclosed box, never to be free. You are arguing for a pointless punishment that is the equivalent of saying “You no longer get to be human and walk among us. You will get what little we give you and deal with it.”

“No. Sorry. I no longer care about the well-being of someone who was a violent sex offender.”

Look, man - I’m right there with you. But you have to recognize that this is the gut reaction, and the easy way out.

Not all the stories are like this one, but FUCK! This guy was institutionalized at age five. That’s

You forgot to mention bootstraps ....

most people would absolutely agree with your sentiments — but others also see the fact that everyone is born into different SES’s, which in turn (almost certainly) determines the rate of returns to your labor. “Meritocracy” is an opiate for the working class, to make them (and presumably, you, too) feel better about

no i’m pretty sure that’s the inside of a ps3. vaginas look very different. have you ever seen one?

Still salty over losing GamerGate I see.

It’s much easier to combo, I think they added time. I played Skate 1 so much though that I could start at hill before the mega skate park and make it all the way to the bottom without breaking the combo. I wish they hadn’t taken down the video site, I had a whole bunch of saved awesome stuff.

Well you see, some people like the taste and experience of something while others do not. It’s a common variance among humans.

Which Trump? The Trump that used a be democrat and was strongly pro-choice and pro-universal healthcare, or the remodeled Trump that claims the Bible is his favorite book and is now pro-life?

Aren't Texans and Chileans the same thing? Both you like putting on hats and playing cowboy