
Did you seriously just try to say that Football is more violent then Rugby?

The N64 lost Nintendo literally all of their third-party support and sold a fraction of what the PlayStation did. It also cemented their image as a lumbering dinosaur in regards to keeping up with current technology.

Three of Nintendo’s six home consoles have been abject failures (and even the Wii was an incredibly hollow victory), the 3DS launch and subsequent first year was disastrous, and the less said about Virtual Boy, the better.

Yeah. Honestly cant believe how many people starred that. Shows you how much people dont understand evolution i guess.

Yes they are. That theory about withelding meat from women is bollocks.

My point was that if they were so shallow that my height would be an issue then probably something like that would be as well. So I figure i’m not going to worry about it.

Right. How many students in the college town I live in are going to stay in tonight because of the Mecca tragedy? Approximately zero.

The bowling alley part about 99.9% negates anything here as having credibility. You cannot slide all the way down a bowling lane. The oil stops between 35-40 feet down the lane. You’d have pure friction the last 20 feet, even accounting for the little bit of oil that’d be in your clothes/on your skin. You wouldn’t

Huh, that’s actually pretty interesting.

men who only like small-chested women

No, that’s not how it works. When PP gets $10 from the government, it does $10 worth of non-abortion services it couldn’t do otherwise. When it doesn’t get the $10, it does $10 less of non-abortion services. The completely separate accounts for the abortion side of the business are unchanged either way.

Give us a link to a reliable source that shows that.

“legislators in Belgium announced their intention to change the euthanasia law to include...” So... None of that happened.

HBO had a really beautiful documentary on this issue a few years ago. The law (I can’t remember which state, but I think it was Oregon) was written in such a way that firmly put the decision and access to this medication in the hands of the patient. While in theory someone could be pressured or talked into it by their

Because the Republicans are a bunch of babies with whom you cannot reason. And I fear I have just insulted actual babies, but I have no good analogy.

If they have less federal funding, they will have less money to fund any procedures. That observation isn’t rocket science, and furthermore you’re making it sound like every penny outside of their federal funding is spent on abortions - also not true.

It’s a good thing that doesn’t happen, though. Anti-choicers are using this same argument as an excuse to defund PP and it’s frustrating to see someone from the other side carry water for them.

No ofcourse, I’m not fine with that. But Biegelow and others of that special brand of dressing up militarism till it sparkles, becomes more palatable, they are not blameless in degrading the situation to this point in which now that woman suffered.

Yeah, let’s make another torture justifying propaganda piece, and while we’re at it let’s, dig up Leni Riefenstahl and sign her up to the project too.