
Dude, he spent the entire article talking about how awesome and experience Rousey was, while denigrating Holm for being unexperienced and weak. He totally fucked the that entire article up with his own bias.

“Every other article inflated Rousey to God-like status, so who can blame others for also doing so?”

Exactly. He acts like paying a bit above your maximum is a total loss, whereas a majority of the time I’d rather pay a bit more and actually HAVE the item than to try again on the next auction and most likely lose to a snipe again.

You’ve honestly never heard of a torn dick? Dry sex sucks for everybody.

So you’ve really got no point other than to be the edgy kid who talks about all the hentai he jerks off to.

Bro, just because you CAN fap to it doesn’t mean they INTENDED for you to fap to it.

Yeah, I wanted that first paragraph to stand on it’s own as an obvious piece of sarcasm, but then I realized that assholes actually say all of those things already, so I had to tack on that last sentence.

But no, see, being skinny is EXACTLY AS HARD IN TODAY’S SOCIETY as being fat. If not moreso. Those skinny people have it SO hard in life today, with all the skinny-shaming and being called land-eels and the media exemplifying fat as more “normal” than skinny.

Thanks for providing an example of an ammosexual in it’s purest form, I appreciate it.

Can’t say I coined it, but yeah.

You said it was bad if that was “the first thing he/she thinks”. You’re implying that a person’s Gawker comment is literally their first thought on a subject, don’t you see how ridiculous that is? You can mourn the victims and still make a point, not everyone is as single-minded as yourself.

“It’s cheaper than some of the gaming keyboards Kotaku writes about and no one complains about those”

Why find the door when I’m right? First he complained about no one complaining, then he changed it to WRITERS not complaining. That is a textbook example of moving the goalpost.

Not everyone races to Gawker to let everyone know their first thought on a subject, don’t project yourself onto others. For all you know, he was mourning the victims through Twitter when he saw the people starting up on their BAN DA CARS spiel, which inspired him to post this comment. Once again, you have no proof

Kindly explain where you think he was trying to make a joke. It was a statement, that he proceeded to back up with proof.

Lots of edgy kids like to take shots at Kotaku and their writers.

You’re going to injure yourself with how rapidly you’re moving those goalposts.

Judging by the comments on how unimpressive this was, we’ve got at least 30 Challenger-tier players here in the comments section.

Once again, do you have any kind of proof that this was the first thing he thought about after hearing about the crash? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Any proof it was the first thing he thought of, or are you just a butthurt ammosexual on the defensive?