
Don't be so emotional, friend.

All you did was take his attempt at a simplification and recomplicate it. Good job.

Birds existed long before anyone started calling them birds, dipshit.

Now I KNOW you're a fucking idiot. Net neutrality has been standard for the past decades. Do you even know what net neutrality is?

What the fuck is your point here? That ending net neutrality is a bad thing? No shit, Sherlock.

The takeaway here is, don't drink and comment.

Fuck it man. The way I see it, if you can use console cheats to have some fun, why not? It's a single player game you're not impacting anyone, and fun is completely subjective. Anyone who calls you a carebear can get fucked.

Can you really hold that against WoW though? I feel like I would burn out pretty quickly on ANY MMO without my friends playing with me. The grind of MMOs isn't worth it to me without my friends.

One of my biggest gripes with DA:I is that not every zone had a vendor. I don't want to go to fucking Skyhold every time my bags fill up. It wouldn't be so bad, if some of the load screens weren't more than a minute long.

So it's a trick question because you're not putting the effort into thinking it all the way through? If that's the case, all of physics is a big trick question to me.

Yeah, they don't USUALLY, and that's why it happening to one guy is news. With as many games of football that have been broadcast over the past 10 years, I'm surprised we haven't seen MORE pants shitting than we have.

Yeah, that totally never happens. It's not like the police have been caught on camera choking a man to death, and that people rallied behind the police instead of the victim.

"but it also misses a vital point about Sarkeesian's long game, for which her various videos form an early bid to implement a sort of private censorship regime along the lines of the old Hays Code in Hollywood, with herself as head censor."

Sports fans are easy I guess.

Who upvotes this shit?

He's not even a canon-whore, he's a weak ass troll. No one but a troll could take the position that race is canon and date of birth isn't.

Please, since it's such an obvious distinction, tell me how date of birth isn't canon but race is.

No, according to you, if the source material says he was born in 1920, changing it means they aren't sticking to canon, and thus you shouldn't like it.

You're right.