
Who shit in your cornflakes this morning?

Apparently, I'm a unicorn.

Coming from a guy, her nipples look strange and unnatural. Take pride in your nipples!

What an edgy take, bro.

From what I've noticed, gamers (teens actually, but there is a significant overlap) tend to be libertarians, and libertarians have no concept of ethics or morals.

Every New Yorker ever can eat a dick.

"I think its strange that people who never ever believe rape victims are all of a sudden totally there to support them when the rapist is black and the victim is white."

Technically, he isn't the one who claimed to be educated, so his mistake can be forgiven.

You da real MVP

Ha. Implying the cops give a fuck about legality anymore. If you don't have money, they can do whatever the fuck they want to you with no chance of punishment. Shit, they'll get a paid vacation out of it.

How quick we forgot about calls to burn Dorner alive in that cabin.

This unwashed neckbeard rage is delicious, please continue.

"that Anita Sarkeesian bitch"

It's time to hang up the fedora bro, you lost this one. Better luck next time.

That sounds awfully unMurrican of you. What are you, some kind of fascist commie?

So you're totes cool with abuse, as long as it's only verbal/emotional. Got it.

I love the fact that you're such an idiot you couldn't even bother to read 3 more sentences.

You're complaining about someone being condescending to you? Oh my dear god, the irony.

"you have serious issues if you live with your parents"

They said where their butt hits the chair, so i took it further down or on the actual ass cheek. Regardless, they're lucky it wasn't a pilonidal, I hear those things are the fucking worst.