So you're saying you'd be completely fine with me showing pictures of dead Iraqi civilians to your children and tell them it's your fault? I mean, you're a citizen of the country, you endorse this shit by association.
So you're saying you'd be completely fine with me showing pictures of dead Iraqi civilians to your children and tell them it's your fault? I mean, you're a citizen of the country, you endorse this shit by association.
Haha oh wow. You come into this thread, read someone's comment COMPLETELY out of context, insult them, and then wonder why everyone has bad views of vegans?
Hey, people die right? I'm sure you have no problem with me showing pictures of decomposing, mutilated bodies to your 6 year old children? ITS JUST LIFE!
No, they're both still playing to win, it's just a matter of offensive VS defensive play.
"i doubt it, so i must be right"
" if they're really grieving, they're not on twitter...."
" if they're really grieving, they're not on twitter...."
"Must of hit a soft spot"
"It's fictional for fuck sakes anything is possible I was merely trying to put this situation in real life circumstances but maybe real life is a little bit hard of a stretch for your imagination."
Lets walk through your logic here:
By that logic, anyone who drinks alcohol for the "high" and not for the non-existent "medicinal", they're going to go on to the heavier stuff and WILL become a burden on my family, friends, and society.
Haha wow. You wondering why the case that got national headlines is being focused on over obscure cases that no-one will ever hear about? And your first and only conclusion is that they must be racists?
Sociopaths have no feeling of "bad" and thus have no issues with being vastly overpaid.
I personally don't buy it that GTAV was bigger than SA. That picture they made proves absolutely nothing, you can scale the maps however you want to make it seem however you want.
Police unions fight cameras like that tooth and nail. Anything that brings some accountability to the police, their union is against. Can't let any of these do-gooder heros be slandered by dirty drug addicts and prostitutes, right?
Many Station 4!
So basically you're arguing for reskinned maps, not altogether new maps. I can agree with that.
Which is why we need to put them on their own disease ridden commune and let nature sort them out.
"If you ask a Lamborghini owner "what's the fastest car?" He would say "Lamborghini of course"