I liked you better when you just posted funny gifs. You don't seem too good at this "real life issues" stuff.
I liked you better when you just posted funny gifs. You don't seem too good at this "real life issues" stuff.
Absolutely true.
Yeah I'm sorry but having sex with someone you know is married and not separated, in an open relationship, etc, makes you a piece of shit as well. Not quite as big as the person betraying their spouse, but still a piece of shit.
Jalopnik too. Whoda thunk that the news blogs centered around MANLY MAN STUFF would be full of dickbags.
"If someone is going to do an act they are going to do it anyways,the only difference is you were there"
Screaming, crying, shitting and puking everywhere? Sounds pretty demonic to me.
If you want help, take her to the fucking veterinarian.
I typed out a long message full of factual information to try to educate you, but then I remembered that idiots who STILL think that weed is "highly toxic" to humans aren't worth the time.
You're right, they're probably just going to roll the dice and risk alienating huge chunks of it's userbase, thus driving down profits from microtransactions.
There was no way to know :(
You're right, it did. When you imply that people who disagree with you are brainwashed, you open yourself to ridicule.
Is it that hard to read the article?
Challenge accepted, bitchboy.
China might have some kind of privacy law prohibiting them from airing someone's face without their permission. Maybe this dude refused to allow it, and this shoddy blur-job (fucking lol'd, completely unintentional) was the news station getting back at him.
They forgot to blur his eyes/face in part of the video.
I wouldn't want a fat woman because of the potential attitude that comes with being a fat woman. It sucks, but it exists.
Did this actually happen?
You should put your wife on, you're too stupid to argue this point.
No, I summarized your comment for you. You think there's some big conspiracy against libertarianism to make people hate it, but the truth is that libertarianism is just stupid as fuck and some of us aren't too caught up in fairytale worlds to see it.
You can easily get both. Those bombs we used to drop back then had names and designations, so it is very possible to know that it was an undetonated Allied bomb, but not know exactly what the bomb was.