
First, and most obvious, are Steam Trading Cards. To the best of my knowledge, anyone around the world can earn them, simply by idling in certain games they own. All you need to do is log in to Steam, hover over your display name, click on "badges," and scroll down the list of games you own that are eligible for

Gah, I feel the same way. It's just too much money for me though...

Exactly how I feel...

To be honest, does anyone else use the Summer Steam Sales as a way to get more money from market card sales?


She was already in the series since a long while back, but only in the comics. This is just the first time she is getting a model.


Mhm, don't get me started on their layout.

I swear, when you scroll down it looks like it's actually shaking..

Yeah, I got really confused for a moment...

I have said this once and I will say it again. Smoothest gif I have ever seen.

One of the reasons why no one can be happy with Kinja.

Glad to hear! (' w')=b

Now playing

I don't know, I still like this one a lot better.

They also have Neon Genesis Evangelion Shoes based on EVA 3.0 from K-Swiss so it's not that uncommon.

For all you anime fans out there:

Yep, it's style over substance. But just imagine the style going over the substance and through the roof.

Gah, I know. I bought this at the same time I did with P4. This is a really great deal if you want to get P4 and P3, especially since PSN's doing flash sales now.