I think its funny.
I think its funny.
The sacred Chicago Manual of Style says:
They left out the part about breaking bread into three (not two and not four) pieces BEFORE buttering. Also we Americans grab the fork as if we are about to stab somebody with it when cutting meat. It should be held tines down, not in one's fist. Index finger forward to guide the fork. You cut three pieces of meat…
Those errant apostrophes drive me crazy too. BTW, you graduate from high school, not graduate high school.
You wouldn't put a hyphen in fucked-up, would you? Is that what you're referring to?
I would like to see some research on the autism rates among non-vaccinated children. Are there enough of them now to quantify how many are autistic despite never having had a vaccination? When people see that the autism rates hold steady whether a child is vaccinated or not, that will put some of this anti-vax…
Yes and yes. I might add, bolt anything like a tall bookshelf to the wall if it can conceivably tip over. I've been through two big ones, the Sylmar Quake of 1971 and the Loma Prieta —- I was nearly buried in a landslide on Highway 17 in the mountains. Don't be driving in an unstable , rocky, mountainous area when the…
As far as influential goes, in Alien, when that gestated creature bursts from the guy's chest —- that was both utterly gross/shocking and, from what I can see, everybody wished they'd thought of it.
"...which can wreck havoc with mood and memory. —- You mean wreak havoc, of course. Okay, as to sleeping, I had to endure an "8-5" on site cubicle job here in Silicon Valley which included a brisk early morning commute of an hour each way in Bay Area traffic with a bridge thrown in for additional cognitive…
I work from home and have gradually become more and more nocturnal. I usually sleep at about 4 a.m. and get up at 9:30 or so. Sometimes I stay up all night and catch a nap after breakfast. People I work with sometimes ask me "how can you be sending out emails at 3:45?!" I was not a good on-site worker; it was always…
Stay away from the Tylenol —- acetaminophen is so tough on the liver that the warning is even on the box, and that goes for vicodin too, which contains APAP. If you've already beaten your liver up with booze, taking APAP on top of it can have bad effects indeed.
That would be you? I always say "that would be me." I'm the baby gazelle who wanders off alone and gets taken hostage by a mother cheetah so her cubs can play tag with me for the next four hours. I'm the young mountain goat who prematurely takes on the alpha male and gets my ass knocked off the mile-high crag. Out of…
I'm a "people pleaser" —- a trait that I heartily dislike in myself. I can't bear the idea that somebody may have to wait for me and —- horrors! —- might get annoyed with me. Or that I might be guilty of holding up their plans. I always arrived too early to pick up my daughter after school, being the first car in the…
I thought that as one's blood sugar rises from the influx of food, the feeling of hunger abates, and one's appetite wanes. So the food doesn't taste so delicious. Maybe changing foods is our effort to prolong or re-experience the sensation of pleasure we get from those first bites. People who eat slowly and give their…
From a short story about a woman who pets a stray cat:
Taylor Swift is the queen of the squinch.
Light it up over Steak Diane.
Try a little burgundy. It goes well with mushrooms and gives a bit of darkness to the flavor that we always liked.
It's quicklime that accelerates decomposition. Oyster shell lime is a benign substance. And it's true about murderers getting it mixed up. This is from an appeal affirming a special circumstances conviction on one of those characteristic Santa Cruz murders:
Wait —- aren't people buried in solid coffins? How are they supposed to make room for others in the grave site?