Polly Sorbate

@eri401: Definiately. Your comment earlier, "It is so earnest, despite everything." got the verbal YES from me. "Earnest". Well said.

@eri401: This is true favorite of mine.

@crosis101: 'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.

There you have folks, is the very origin of the Yellow Brick Road where at the point of singularity, they'll find the Oz Partical.

@Noumenal: It was the author I was quoting, fancypants.

This classic is more succinct.

@Ppan: "Let's just do a Roseanne Roseannadana.."

@Valkyrie607votesMizJenkins: Well said, Valkyrie. I couldn't even begin to articulate the 15 things wrong with O'Reilly's puke from the get-go.

@lolita7b3: It's a non-sense argument, but that's Bill.

"the truth is that if moderate Muslims all over the world would stand with America against radical Islam - the terrorists couldn't exist."

Horse shoes, hand grenades, and atom bombs be damned - this is one fine shot.