
Which is why I mentioned the practical effects as well as the CGI that will be needed. The CW might even be willing to hand over a little extra scratch given the success Arrow and Flash have been for them. Basically, these two shows have earned a little trust and optimism from me when it comes to effects that don’t

Unreal Engine 4 is free, there’s your AAA graphics on a smaller budget.

I don’t mean to be rude, but I really don’t get guys like you, you’re talking like there’s some sort of conspiracy going on to suck all the joy out of gaming for everyone.

There are a couple of large companies that make big budget games that

If the alarm keeps ringing with the screen on, yes, but the “phone” part of a smartphone is a big battery-draining. When I changed phones, I kept my previous one sim-less as a music player, so I keep it in airplane mode, and the record is about 21 days of no-using it till the battery drains to zero by itself.

For some reason I think of Biden more as a Harem anime fan.

“Michelle is the only waifu for me.”-said Obama to the 2D girls

Obama to Japanese Prime Minister: “If I tell everyone to love anime, will you finally make a sequel to Dragon Ball Z?”

Well, at least Baby Park is small enough that it could conceivably be used as a decent Battle Mode stage.

It’s baffling why they couldn’t make a few square battle arenas. They were never as elaborate as racing tracks, so it couldn’t have taken them that much longer to make a couple.

Didn’t realize just how gorgeous this game was

Coulson’s death definitely had an impact on me at the time. I was at a midnight screening, and the whole audience collectively gasped when that happened.

No hover hands, good job Cisco!

They should get in touch with Double D, if they want to get real about this.

I was floored when I discovered that Interstellar used that much practical effects. Thing is, I could tell while watching the movie that something was "off"— by "off" I mean, right. It was that good, I was shocked the CGI had such weight to it.

Now playing

Watching how they did the miniature space battles in Star Wars is just a joyful experience.

Now playing

What a strange age we live in, when anyone with enough heart and soul can create movie quality SFX on their home PC.

I read Cisco's reaction in the scene with Wells/Eobard differently. He wasn't just heartbroken that Wells was a bad guy. What we saw was helplesness and resignation, because from the moment he realized that Wells was not only a liar and a killer, but a speedster as well, Cisco knew that he wasn't getting out of that

A potential difference would be the fact that the Titanic was an accidental occurrence with no real antagonistic entity behind it. We don't really have any games that accurately portray say, The Holocaust, because it wasn't an accident; it was essentially state actor terrorism. 9/11 might fall under that category.


Seems to happen constantly on Gawker sites.

when you embed a video make sure you don't accidentally paste a link with the timestamp of the video... like you did on this article.

"Proprietary" doesn't mean they have to only be manufactured by Apple it means they're only used for one purpose."