
Much of what you said is true, but if you don't need to attach peripherals while charging, you actually need one less proprietary device: you should, presumably, be able to use any USB-C cable and charger that supplies adequate current. That's not to say it's going to reduce the number of things to carry: an Apple

I am waiting for the external track pad that has this built in.

Wait... No PS4 release? I am disappoint.

How is that, exactly? The XB1 and PS4 controllers have roughly the same control complement as their predecessors. Meanwhile, Valve pitched the thumbpads as do-everything replacements for traditional controls, and then has slowly added back in all of those traditional controls they were originally replacing.

"My grandmother said I'd be an angel!"

"Are we not doing phrasing?" - Archer

Keep it up!


Can I just say that Morning Spoilers is one of my favorite traditions at work? I make time every day to read this article as close to 8:00 AM as I can. I love it, don't ever stop you beautiful, wonderful maniac.

Thanks Charlie and io9 for the great write up. You go through high school thinking you're the only person who cares about stuff like this, then you grow up and find there is a wholeUniverse of people that will debate Starship design with you. Enjoy these and follow me on Twitter and my Portfolio site. More great

Like I said before. If the game wanted to confirm Sam and Lara a couple they don't have to change anything about what is in the game as it is given all the heavy heavy heavy subtext and teasing. A line of dialogue and/or kiss would be enough. So a movie adaptation would be same.

I didn't known I wanted this until I saw it.



The thing I like the most is that was legitimately did not know if Kane and Abby were going to survive. They only get about a 50% save in situations like this. There is real suspense here.

Your memory must be fuzzy. Get 'em replayed.

Are you sure you're talking about Final Fantasy X? The game which had the best refinement of the turn-based battle system in a Final Fantasy game?

You know what? If you're going to leave the fucking power cable out, then just make it USB-chargable, okay? I have a shit ton of USB cables lying around. If you're going to cheap-out then STOP MAKING YOUR PLUG PROPRIETARY, NINTENDO.

"I give the nicknames around here!"