
An all male civilization would be a pain in the ass to play.

I dunno HOW yours is set up. But I have my ps4 "near" my router (my ps4 is hardwired in) but im pretty sure my vita connects DIRECTLY to my ps4 (when searching for a WiFi signal the ps4 link shows up). But all that aside I never experience any lag. Though I do avoid playing battlefield or cod on it.


The plan is just to annex the aquifers. As hardy as the people of Montana are, I don't think that the 3 of you will be able to hold off the entirety of the plains' states.

i didn't even know about keepvid. Thanks yo!

Way ahead of you:

Well, that was almost a complete thought. Good try though.

Sounds like a bunch of the android phones I've used.

I agree. I understand what people are talking about, since I see the glare when booting up or in very dark games... but I quickly forget all about it once I start playing. Actually, I like the touch it adds to games... like when I first played Outlast in the dark and it turned green the first time I turned on

My favorite use of the controller speaker is the paint spray. The first time I play Second Son and had to do the spray, it wow me at how good the speaker is.

I have never, not once been annoyed by the light-bar. I always have liked it. Why is it so annoying?

I always thought requesting to turn the light off (a feature I really like) was incredibly asinine. If it isn't reliably on, devs cannot use it. Transistor uses it for story. Killzone: Shadow Fall uses it for health. inFamous: Second Son uses it for karmic atmosphere.

Little help? How can one catch up on most of these? Hulu+ and the ABC web site itself don't have more than the six most recent episodes available. Last time I looked (a few days ago), the earliest ep streaming was #17.

I like to say "render" too.


I think it's the poorly laid out workbook—#5 should be on the next line, but it's right next to #4, and it makes it look like one long, complicated problem. That would be confusing for a kid. Hell, it was confusing to me until I realized what was going on with it.

The problem isn't the difficulty of the question. The problem is the half-assed formatting. Question 4 and 5 of A are written on the same line which makes the problem horribly confusing. It, seriously, looks like: 7x(_x_)=21x75.(21x3)/_=7 I had to study it for a minute or two to figure out what they were saying.

The real problem with #4 is that whoever formatted the page put #5 on the same line when each question had its own line before that point. Sloppy editing can and will lead to confusion.

Damn, Graphics and lighting look spectacular...Even compared to Project CARS.