No, it's not useless. There's a large list of games that work for it. People are excited, Geesh
No, it's not useless. There's a large list of games that work for it. People are excited, Geesh
"Kingdom Hearts III is scheduled for release on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sometime before the sun explodes."
I have a set of those for every one of my controllers.
"For the analog sticks,” he says, “we did test having the analog sticks on top, since the Xbox has the left side on top [above the D-pad]. Especially from the shooter teams — we got feedback that that’s what they wanted. They knew that consumers liked the 360 for shooters."
I'm going to use a pokemon article to shamelessly throw my friend code out there in the hopes of adding more 'mons to my friend safari.
isn't Pokemon already technically first-person though? I'm pretty sure the battles play out from the trainers perspective.
Lol, they all think they are playing Watch Dogs on day one...oooh the irony.
What about Doom, Quake, Castlevania, Metroid, Halo, etc. ? Or the even less creative names like Pong and Asteroids? Or current-gen titles like Dishonored and Borderlands? Maybe you just mean the short, simple words like Rain and Dark, in which case, yeah I get that, but just complaining about a single word, I don't…
The pacing in Killzone is very different than other shooters. Movement speed is slower, and aiming requires a bit more effort. It is not all centered around who has the fastest twitch muscles. Everything feels more deliberate.
Any room under that rock of yours?
Can I thank you for such a well balanced post? I'm a self identified MS fan who also has a ps2,ps3 and psp. I think you hit the nail on the head though. While it seems to piss people off for reasons I dont get, developers will do new things since everyone can do it. 10-30% of adoption will never be enough.
Proof is in the pudding, and the vitas screen is absolutely a thing of beauty. Playing Rayman on it was like sex for the eyes, but considerably less painful then interocular sex.
The Toys R' Us near me closed down and was replaced with a Pet Smart. Therefore, I will be buying all Christmas presents at Pet Smart. Hamsters for everyone!
$50, $30, $20, $60, $20, $100, $50, $40, $500, $40.
MS cut a bigger check then Sony did, that's all.
The saturation is a point of personal preference — I think it looks great in super-colorful games, and a bit silly in realistic games. I'll never understand why portables don't allow you to adjust color settings the same way a television does.
lol, not that I disagree with you or anything, but how many threads have you posted in so far saying the exact same thing?