
its actually not different because its a cartoon and nobody cares.

The A64 instruction set has a nice boost in features over the older A32 one. (Basic references are here.)

My understanding is that developers will be able to code both 32bit and 64 bit apps pretty easily with Apple's developer tools.

The question would be - why do people still feel like they need to slap an ugly case on their phones when they're not really necessary anymore?


It is thinner and has somewhat better battery life. Those are definitely upgrades in my book.

I have a friend who married a Japanese woman years ago. One day he came to work one day stunned. You could see that his mind was just bent on something all day. Finally, I asked him what was wrong. He simply replied "...I went to bed last night and my wife was beautiful, and this morning, she is ugly...I mean, she

Nope, it even comes with a 8GB memory card, so it definitely will take the memory cards for PSN downloads too.

To be fair, the West side Highway isn't so much of a highway as it is a Blvd with lights; and the FDR drive has enough lane merges and tight turns to warrant the low speed limit. Besides most of the time during rush hour you don't even make it up to the speed limit so its kind of a null point.

Exactly. The institution of racism is more than just Paula Deen saying the n word.

well technically it IS 250 dollars less than the actual camera it came from, so if it works great it may not be a terrible idea for those point and shooters who dont want to carry both a cell phone and a camera yet provide them with photos better than even the best phones built around a camera can provide (and not be

I just don't have faith in their hardware. My Original Xbox ended up being nearly unplayable due to a possessed DVD ejector tray and my 360 Slim got the RROD. I've owned consoles going back in years to the Intellivision yet Microsoft's consoles are the only ones that have crapped out on me.

PS4 has been pre-ordered since E3. While I want MS to fear us after they tried to get away with a nightmare scenario, I will most likely be picking up a One at some point, but definitely not this year.

The unit they are selling later this year comes with a box that you plug your various inputs into. It also has a wireless option with 3 hours of battery life. Remove the set top box part, making the PS4 the only input option, remove any wireless capabilities and it immediately becomes cheaper. Like you said, but a

Stick the light bar on this and you have full head placement tracking combined with the on board gyros... Pretty perfect VR implementation right there. Think this could be great! If I am honestly going to be playing Gran Turismo 7 with in cockpit VR on my PS4... Wow. I'm sold right there. Cannot bloody wait. Its

Sony have been working on these things for a long time. They aren't going to stop just because there is competition.

ps3 supports all types of headsets but it didn't stop sony from producing their own headsets. and in the case of the sony pulse elite, an excellent one.


The contract thing is dumb. I have a no-contract contract with T-Mobile. At no point do I need to "upgrade" since I can swap phones as often as I like. Am I just outta luck on this?