
The collider eventually blows up, but who’s affected by it would change. The Flash was always created by it, but maybe not any of the specific Meta-Humans we saw this season. Like Killer Frost might have been created in the newly created (sans-RF) timeline instead of FireStorm. And Cisco might be the only other people

True - but people like Ronnie and Stein and Cisco , or the number of other meta-humans that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (i.e. both Weather Wizards), may or may not have been affected. I think that they were all ready and willing to chance Thawne being stopped and maybe get a better life out of

Does it have to be? The entire premise of the show has been about Wells’ “mistake” creating these people (including The Flash) which was then flipped on its head with the reveal that Wells was really Thawne and did it on purpose.... the idea of stopping him way back then would be erasing all of what Thawne has done as

It was also about stopping the reverse flash, preventing him from eventually making the collider blow up and creating all of those meta-humans (and messing with a lot of people’s lives).

Unfortunately, the special effect used to show it off looked really weak... at least IMO.

Yea, Baby Park is total chaos, and it makes for a good arena-style battle... if only you could actually do battle-mode with that track. And that’s where I think they screwed up. Either give us a classic battle mode, or open up the current battle mode to more tracks (especially the DLC).

I’ve gotten used to the battle mode - and on some tracks it actually really exciting. But you’re right, and its disappointing because the character variety would really make for good arena-style battles.

It’s a Kirby helmet for Mii

MK8 has shaped up to be one of the best MK releases to date... But I can’t help but feel like the inclusion of a classic Battle Mode, or even a couple new battle tracks in the DLC, would have secured MK8 as the best.

I'm thinking wealthy genius who created AI and doomed everyone. It pulled a SkyNet and blew up the planet, so the kid fealt guilty and killed himself.

It's a limitation due to the number of ports, not the port itself.

Proprietary doesn't mean what you must think it means. You keep using it like you expect the definition will change.

I said there are 3rd party docks and cables coming for the watch. I linked to some examples. I said the USB-C power adapter for the MacBook was a standard USB-C adapter (and I linked to it).

USB-C isn't proprietary, and there are already 3rd party accessories and adapters. As for the charging cable, its a pretty standard USB-C power adapter.

I want to see some of the Golden-Age super heroes introduced. That would be fun. Like the original Ant Man or something.

In terms of the Marvel universe, it wasn't too crazy. I don't expect Carter to be any more weird than AoS season 1, because the further it gets away from the aesthetic of The First Avenger, I think the worse it will fair.

YES. Keep Carter grounded the way AoS was in Season 1, and push AoS into the weird territory. I'm totally okay with this.

Have you only seen episodes that aired since the crossover? Because... that's weird...

This is Disney's sure-fire way to catch a demographic they're not really known for exciting. Dark storylines for their Marvel Characters is totally on the table for them.