
Exactly. They're too close to having it to have not realized this and begin development. It makes total sense that they were almost ready to show it off at Gamescom. TGS is the next big event, and they will dominate if they come out with this thing.

My simple mock-up. That simple addition gives this thing full 3D position tracking, even angular rotation.

My humble mock-up. A simple Lightbar (like the DualShock 4) and some gyros from the Move wands, and you have a full VR visor tracked in 3D.

They're getting better.

There's a third version coming out this November. Crazy expensive, but they could be working on a cheaper PlayStation branded version. Throw a DualShock 4 Light bar on the front, and you have full VR motion like the Rift... And there wouldn't have been precedent for that sort of idea before the DS4, so they're

This is really starting to get out of hand...

Not OP by my collection is roughly 11,000 songs, 700 TV episodes, 350 movies, and several dozen podcasts. Not including the hundreds of apps that just sort of sit there and take up space.

Now playing

I was just looking at the LED strips. I think I want them for my under-cabinet lighting for the kitchen and bathroom.

Going away. It's the same general spinning lines, but instead of the droplet animation, it populates the circle of lines (one line at a time) until all of the lines are visible, then starts spinning. I like the arrow of the droplet one, but the new one is sleek too.

Looks fine to me...

If it was drawn by hand, then laid on the sidewalk, is it not a sidewalk drawing?

I don't know much about strands or blends or whatever. I only just started recently (I'm 26 and been 'toking' for about 10 months). I hit at least once a day, and have been fairly consistent for the past 6 months. Lack of motivation while impaired is pretty obvious, but I generally find myself more interested in

I can't agree. I really do like iTunes on my iMac. It's solid, fast, and convenient.

Tip: Be the token black guy. As soon as your company hires another black person, find another job.

To be fair, he did say "levers" not "knobs", so the animators messed up there a bit.

Where are his feathers?

And we're sure the controller in the box comes with the rechargeable pack?

Exactly. I've been swept up in offline MP games. I'm in the middle of TRINE 2 right now. It's an amazing 3-player co-op experience... couldn't imagine trying to play that without turning to my friend on the couch and pushing him for dropping a boulder on my head...

There are Android apps and Windows programs that allow you to stream to an AirPlay receiver (AirPort Express, AppleTV, or even a computer with a AirPlay receiver app running).

I said "only slightly better than AM radio" because it's true. It's so compressed that it loses most of its bit-rate and sounds tinny. One might not be able to distinguish the difference on sub-par sound systems, but play it on any speaker system worth a damn and it's clearly a lousy method of streaming music.