
It destroys any hope you had in Hollywood making a quality sequel/prequel. The majority of the film gets your hopes up, then in typical Hollywood style it crashes and burns.

he divided by 1.5...

If the person contacting you has their iMessage associated with their iTunes ID/email address, and you have yours, then it doesn't matter if they send you an iMessage at your email address or your phone number, it will all merge into the same thread.

If the person contacting you has their iMessage associated with their iTunes ID/email address, and you have yours, then it doesn't matter if they send you an iMessage at your email address or your phone number, it will all merge into the same thread.

Liberals with their logic and proof...

Nope - what this is telling us that there will be:

This is great news.

I'm actually surprised you think that. There is a global setting you can apply to the entire timeline, and you can even use those new Lists to define who to share what with. So you make a "Close Friends" list and apply that to your entire timeline, then you make your default share privacy whatever you want.

You can always just but passive clip-on filters (just a quick search found these: [www.buy.com] )

I think we're entering the era of relying on technical reviews of a film rather than just story. Like it was filmed in x:x ratio with XXfps, etc. Jimmy C started it with Avatar/3D, and I think he'll do it with other film technologies. He is already pushing higher FPS (48+), which is better for the entire industry.

No, that's what HE did. The whole point of Source Code was it's an investigation tool.

But weren't they mastered on VHS??

I... ACTUALLY like the new one better. Better continuity with the next two.

40.6, not 4.6

Brooklyn Water Bagel (My favorite breakfast stop) does this - and their coffee is awesome. Food is great too.

100% Hearted