
40.6, not 4.6

Brooklyn Water Bagel (My favorite breakfast stop) does this - and their coffee is awesome. Food is great too.

100% Hearted

I love people complaining about an article like this as if it wasn't "newsworthy"...

I got Google+ Invites - just PM me your email address :D

How about:

$70 vs $150... and you get the glasses, the game, and the TV (cord is meh) for $500. The cool feature of the TV and the low price point is bold and could be successful.

With the PS Eye (Part of the Move system) you have a multi-mic array as well, and this would be absolutely possible. Couple this with their new Wireless Headset, and it would be even easier. It's just the software at that point, though it is included with the Kinect integration, it could very easily be part of the PS3

What a perfect line of coke you have there.

Real sugar is good, but I'll stick with the caffeine + Cacao extract (sans cocaine) of present day formula, thank you...

Read it again: "The reason the iPhone stores so much data is a bug we uncovered and plan to fix shortly "

www.thisismynext.com perhaps?

Jim Cameron was the one talking about increasing this to 48 or even 96. The guy knows what he's talking about.

My location history isn't transmitted — I download a database based on my location for my phone to use, and that information is stored on my device. Apple already has a massive database of celltowers and wifi hotspots as reported by users anonymously, but they aren't being "tracked"... The "tracking" part is complete

Really... My phone has a lot more information readily available through contacts, pictures, facebook, etc that offers much more information than a database of wifi-hotspots and celltowers that I happen to be near at any given time.

I don't see what's so hard to understand that the database is stored locally ONLY and is never transmitted. The only data Apple DOES collect is the kind that the user allows (and can opt out of ).

You are spot on with everything.