
I cried reading your comment. Too funny.

More than likely a mild glow at best, I have had LED mods on consoles in the past and it isn't noticeable unless you are actually looking at it. Nothing as noticeable as the glowing accessories that Afterglow sells. Also the model that Jack Tretton was holding didn't appear to have the blue stripe so I assumed it was

Main distinction is that the Kinect is there as a tool for Microsoft to force features into your home. Sorry to put it so bluntly but the Kinect 2.0 is really just a way for MS to rationalize the original Kinect. By selling one with every system and making it a mandatory accessory it is changing the dynamic of the

Side of the box says it comes with them. Also Jack MF-ing Tretton said they would be bundled. Not being a dick to you, it is just that his middle name is MF-ing.

The Xbone looks like a classic electronic set of some sort (radio tuner with 6 disc changer, set top box, VCR, whatever your flavor). The PS4 looks very futuristic with the angles all meeting so sharply and fiercely. Also the blue LED strip across the top is a total throwback to the PS2 days. Only thing that gets me

So your sole argument is that even though Sony had a motion controlled camera system well before the kinect, MS put two cameras on the same unit and made it a more advanced motion controlled unit. SO Sony is now copying MS by following suit? Got it.

My new 360 does this about once a week. I can't do a single thing until I unplug and restart. Both systems in the current gen are pretty old now and offer quite an amazing experience for the time they have been around. Give them the credit they deserve and let them rest from time to time. My original 80GB model is

Totally my response. I have a feeling they knew that would happen. Everyone at the edge of their seats. I kept denying it all the way until I heard that it was WB studios. Then I accepted defeat.

Really how I looked at it as well. Seeing as I was already getting those "free games" MS was mentioning in their presser for the past year and will continue to get I will continue to do so well into the PS4. Not to mention the way they make it seem MS only plans on releasing free games for 1 year on their now old

People have long complained about the lack of "premium online features" like Microsoft offers. The thing is that MS makes the charges even more "mandatory" with restrictions, on streaming services, demos, and even things you have already purchased, to gold subscriptions. If people want Sony to make the jump with

GTA is known for it's parodies. Every character is designed to be the most concentrated stereotype they can be. And that is part of it's luster. Saint's Row clearly started off as a blatant ripoff of GTA with more shit. People never took it seriously because of that. So the developers realized that and they decided

I for one enjoy these articles more than the general video game stuff. What I have grown tired of are all the TV related stuffs. Game Of Thrones and the like. Kotaku has changed a good bit in the years I have been coming here and it is half good half bad in the sense that the good stuff has expanded well enough to

All they said was that there would be no fees to you. However Microsoft and the publisher will both make money on that used game sale somehow through the retailer. But that means GS will have to most likely implement a season pass-esque code system to authorize the game when it gets to your system. Borrowing a game

They can already sell used games at any price they like. Why would they be limited in that respect? That headline was in regards to how used sales would go down when they tried to play the game. It isn't like Microsoft or any developer can say "Sell our game used for $54.99"

A little bit off topic, but was it just me or did every demo look whitewashed? As if the contrast was turned all the way up?

So a company is doing something to make more money? Whoa dude have you sent Luke Plunkett your resume yet? You are like the Geraldo Rivera of video games, breaking the mold no one wants to break. You are tackling the critival (your buzz word for a critical, and pivotal) issues. One finger not only on the pulse but

Skypiea is one of those arc that doesn't really mean anything at first but once you get into some later plot points it really opens up some new info. When you first hear of these people using godlike senses to track people across the island and techniques that are unheard of you really aren't sure what to expect. But

I hope I am not the only one that wants this.... but I have to say, I want a dedicated Blitzball game. I am talking all out HD graphics with all sorts of new features. I want to see a create-a-blitzer mode with some sort of rstory line. Multiple stadiums and as much content as possible. Then to top it all off go ahead

Quistis had the best limit breaker. If you used a Black Hole she would learn Degenerator. Get her health to pretty much nil and then junction triple to her SPD. Degenerator kills one enemy. Fly out to Island of Hell and rack up exp.

I really didn't think Luffy knew much more than meat, adventuring, and impersonating his crewmates...