
It isn't a literal translation. The whole point of E3 is to make a bunch of announcements and get people psyched up for your cause. Nobody "promised" anything, but when the CEOs and big wigs come out and say "x-game will be in stores on November 33rd" people generally take that about the same as a promise.

"I couldn't whip out my ____ fast enough."

Beat me to it!

Well someone didn't have their Wheaties this morning. What I hate the most about DLC is that it is up to the kustomer if they want to buy it or not. Whether this Kontent is on the disk or not... everyone should be forced into buying it. That way your statement will hold some water. It isn't just disc locked content.

I was pretty ok with it. I can't really explain why some things got me and others didn't.

I hate how ugly the fairies were. So scary. The seaweed dress that they wore bothers me now as well... what if one of those 64bit nips fell out after she howled out of the water in a spinning fury? I would be scarred for life.

I guess I am an early adopter of things that are new and interesting. I always get it as soon as I can. But waiting does have it's benefits. Just like you said. I personally enjoy having something from the ground floor as I usually appreciate it more. I will be able to say "I remember way back when the 3DS didn't have

I enjoy seeing people rush through the VERY sarcastic comment just to attempt to prove a point. My Peacewalker PSP has been on the backburner for the past few months but when PS store gets back you best know I will be playing ModNation and all the PS+ stuff I missed out on... So many PSX titles and great minis.

I don't see them really releasing a Lite 3DS. Maybe something along the lines of a DSi approach... The main reason the DSLite ever existed was because the vanilla DS had tons of issues with hinges breaking and it was a very clunky large system. The 3DS is the size of a DSL already. They may increase the screen size

I had a similar issue as a kid. I got out of Kokiri Forest and came upon the zombies in Hyrule Field and got scared like never before. I refused to run around at night, I was scared of the Poes, I had so many little issues playing the game as a kid. Forest temple was probably the worst with all of the Poes and

You should be OK as long as the previous owner didn'tfiddle around with it's insides or something strange. But don't be afraid to play your system. I repair these things and the yellow light happens to frequent 12hour COD gamers and people that just use it for a blu ray every once in a while. It is just a matter of

This seems likely. Along with the fact that in the game you are supposed to spend more time in the investigation and less time mowing down innocent people. Or it could just be that they did not see much reason to develop the physics for pedestrians you aren't supposed to hit. The game is chock full of so many more

I do have a customer or two that I refuse to let pre-order only because they religiously reserve a handful of games and then cancel them within a week. But for someone that just didn't want a game once or twice it is no excuse to deny you the rights to reserve a game. Best way to let the higher-ups know about this

I work for GameStop and it is true that I see a good number of people that constantly buy used games. But the major issue with Lionhead's statement is that the majority of these people would never consider buying a new game. There are literally customers that I could pick out of a line up that would religiously buy

I love how whenever an article about 3DS side-affects or negative comments come up there is always a flock of people saying "Oh not me" or "This is just an article trying to bash a great product!". I love my 3DS, got it launch day and have played with the 3D on majority of the time. I rarely find myself straining to

I agree with you. I am kinda sad that it didn't do better though. It had potential to do a lot, but in the end it is just not meeting expectations. Move needs more games that take the augmented reality aspect and kick it up a notch. The sensors in both Kinect and Move are both extremely accurate but neither is being

Yeah same here. I have 3 now from GameStop. My manager and 2 regulars. I opened on the 27th and told everyone about the streetpass feature as I sold them their 3DS and nobody has come back for me. Sigh...

To be honest in my book those titles are not exactly what I would call "supporting" the Kinect. Sure some see the move as an alternate control scheme. But at least you can play Killzone 3 with the move and still get the same experience out of it. The Gears of War spinoff is going to be totally different and not

I have only been able to streetpass with people I know. I am waiting for some random encounter. My boss at GameStop has his and I have passed him about 4 times now. I also have 2 usual customers and a friend of mine's miis. But I have taken a few trips out of town and even had dinner downtown in Orlando and nothing. I

Did you not get the whole "3D" part of the 3DS? It can tell that background stuff goes in the background and foreground stuff is in the foreground. 3D.