
IDK Patty, when they both succumb to that thinning hair line they won’t be able to get that pre-teen/teen demo anymore.

It would seem that it was not enough for Hoffman to simply ask if someone was trying to seduce him.

It’s simple. ANTI. TRUST. LAWS. Write your senators and representatives. If they current laws don’t work, make them stronger.

Thank you. All I’ve seen most places is the Avengers/X-Men rejoining hype and I keep pulling may hair out screaming to no one in particular about how bad this is. I really have nothing else to add.

If you ever want to get involved, look up “Smogon”, that’s the online competitive website that has a lot of helpful info. Also look up some Competitive Pokemon youtubers, like Verlisify who frequently show off interesting competitive teams. There’s a lot of resources out there, you just got to find it.

Journalists interviewing people like this and pointing out their “manners” or “politeness” is a recurring theme, and an especially annoying one. Jon Ronson has done it, and I was disappointed to see George Saunders (who I consider one of America’s best living writers) flirt with it when he covered Trump rallies.

And then he died.

So, yeah, when your friend is throwing up and hits the shower to try to feel better, that should come off as the antithesis of an invitation to get intimate—you should be trying to help them, not hump them, for fuck’s sake.

...seriously, who does something like that, except in an attempt to do something predatory?


What a surprise, that all these twitter holidays are fake.

Coming from the guy who designed blue cat people to be as fuckable as possible?

I’m loving this decade. This is the decade of “Wait, what do you mean I have to be responsible for my actions now?”

This franchise is no more. It has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to meet its maker. It’s a stiff; bereft of life; it rests in peace. If Sega just stopped making more Sonic games it’d be pushing up the daisies. It’s shuffled off its mortal coil and joined the bleeding choir invisible! This is an ex-hedgehog.

Oh god no...all the sonic fan fic....coming to life.

“Colin Was Right?” Well, now Colin IS Right...Wing, that is. Ba-dum-pshh.

Yeah, let’s let the fanatical Pokemon fan review the new Pokemon game. I’m sure she won’t be biased at all, considering she posts 30 Pokemon articles a day. roll_eyes.gif

POTUS is supposed to be a position held by an experienced politician who already KNOWS how shit works. Also, we kept reelecting this one president so much that it was decided being allowed to do so indefinitely was a very bad idea.

One bright note, he may be a problem that solves himself by getting impeached.

His minions craved a strong dose of keeping it real followed by a chaser of telling it like it is- they didn’t realize the side effects included insanity, evil, loss of their fellow humans’ respect and death.

You forgot Ikaruga. The lack of Smash Bros. is egregious.