
Doreamon is still on the air? In Japan, it’s a 45+ year old institution. Here, it bombed hard.

You had said “I really don’t understand why Reggie is so popular”

It has nothing to do with popularity. It has more to do with bad scheduling of their digital releases. Why give priority to a publisher with a bad game no one will buy versus proven classics? Moreover, why not give equity to all region’s release schedules?

The problem is with Nintendo of America, less so other regions. Everyone else has Donkey Kong Country Returns, Xenoblade Chronicles, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Super Mario Galaxy, and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. Why don’t we have them yet?!
This same issue happened on 3DS VC. Forever, everyone but us had games like Kid

His uncouth appearance would bring out anyone’s raging inner beast.

This repost tells me that Jason won’t stop believing, and is, in fact, hooked on to that feeling...that Metacritic is evil!

How do people like Trick2g stream non-stop for 12 HOURS?! Wouldn’t he get tired after a few? Any doctor will tell them that it’s not healthy and could result in crippling ailments down the road. I can game at most for 4 hours straight, 6 if I’m dedicated. But usually, it’s 1-2 hours for me daily.

Whatever are you taking a break for? Does this mean all the Pokemon posts will return to Patricia?

Oh no, I did not expect this... :_(

What is the barometer of quality writing to get hired at Kotaku?

Man, time has not been kind to Woods. He looks like he’s aged pretty bad. Must be the stress of having been caught cheating on his wife a thousand fold.

I did see that shit show. That’s why I settled for the Red New 3DS XL

People must be hepped up on crazy pills if they can’t see why the small New 3DS has appeal.

[The dollar’s] certainly not worth anything to retailers. You know this game will become a sub $10 game on the used marketplace.

Eh, I wish it was on cels, with ink and paint instead of digital coloring.

All the changes in the world to these comics will never take away what’s in the public consciousness of what makes Spider Man and Hulk who they are.

No, the reality is: they need to give up some of the many Teen Titans Go! and Amazing World of Gumball timeslots, because they air 6 and 7 times a day respectively. That’s why these newer outsider shows get sent to die.

Yeah, what happened? Did they just stop caring?

That THAT, Witcher 3!

I never said those games were all good. It is good to have third parties period supporting you at retail. Wii U doesn’t have retail releases with names and concepts like Body Harvest or Space Station Silicon Valley (ZombiU was at launch)