
It’s a battle between the notoriously misogynistic, predator-shielding Catholic church and their slut-shaming morals. And Katy Perry. I’m learning that nuns can be both marginalized and assholes. 🤷🏾‍♀️

I expected to be with the nuns on this, and on some level I am, but I find their reasoning thoroughly unsympathetic.

Nuns. Smacking the shit out of little kids since the beginning of time.

my wife is a stickler for NOT using a mixing bowl (large stainless steel) that has had any sort of meat oil/fat in it; she has a special one that pretty much only touches veggies/salt water

Yeah. The sarcasm was missed by you. 😄

Kimchi refrigerators aren’t uncommon at all! They often have settings you can choose from to help ferment the kimchi; it isn’t exactly to keep the smell out or anything like that. Also, some kimchi isn’t made with anchovies, so it might be a good idea to just look through the ingredients list; for instance, I’m fairly

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

The woman is in the home stretch of yet another difficult pregnancy, and is under pressure to produce, as a royal baby-maker. I can see why, even though Time’s Up shouldn’t be political, she wants to find some middle ground and avoid making any waves, either way. People perceive the movement as political, and she’s

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

His cosmetic surgeon removed the hair follicles in the back to implant on top of his bald head


Polite perhaps, but I’m not sure I’d go as far as professional.

This is possibly the most unselfaware comment I’ve seen in 2018.

Not nearly as insufferable as you, dear. Go ahead and dismiss again like a mature adult.

Guess you missed the part at the end where he stalks her and calls her a whore huh? And the part where she’s 20 and he’s in his mid 30s.

“Lena Dunham” is in the headline. Her name has been in five headlines regarding an incident of rape. The victim and the rapist’s names have been in zero headlines. I’m sorry if reality upsets you.

Murray Miller Headlines: 0

you don’t have children, do you?

please, stop it, stop this stupid "i must find some hidden meaning in something that doesn't have a meaning". it's the same as the people who read stuff into The Lord of the Rings, some connection to WWII and stuff like that, even though Tolkien explicitely states in the foreword that there is NO deeper/hidden meaning