
I don’t think President Pence is particularly well acquainted with the concept of “liberty.”

Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.

No need for a caption, his face is how I feel about that.

“There’s only one Mother!!!”

How is this even a question?

This isn’t a handout to airlines, they are going to fight this tooth-and-nail. For one thing, this damages business travel, which is the #1 most important source of revenue for airlines. Even a 5% downturn in transatlantic business travel could be disastrous to the airlines, FAR more so than the pittance they might

Privacy screens are fine for reading steamy emails from your girlfriend but are wholly inadequate for actually sensitive work.

I think he would have. She also CONSTANTLY accuses him and members of the media of being mean to her when they’re doing their jobs as journalists, and she had just done that again. She’s like the Christian who thinks she’s being discriminated again because someone said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. So no,

Bullshit is bullshit regardless of the gender of the person saying the bullshit. I’ll roll my eyes no matter what gender the person is.

Yes he would have. It may have bordered on unprofessional but he didn’t roll his eyes because she is a woman. He did it because he is tired of this person spewing bullshit. Her gender has nothing to do with it.

Depends. Is there a high profile member of the Trump administration that invites blatant disrespect like Conway does? Spicer comes to mind but he doesn’t typically do the one on one interviews she does. They both spout bullshit like they have an asshole where their mouths should be but Conway delivers her brand in a

I am very certain reporters roll their eyes at Spicy on the reg

I’ve been doing it for months. I don’t understand why Cooper just started.

Yeah, I think he might. I see this as an erosion of self-control that comes of dealing with mendacious liars (of which the Trump admin has many). I assume that most of them roll their eyes at Spicer hourly. And some shake their heads...

That’s not true at all. Inquisition started development just a few months after DA2. I know this because I wrote about it in a book that’s coming out soon ;)

New Hampshire’s state motto should be “New Hampshire: Just visit Vermont instead.”

Did you read the part where they weren’t saying the original bumping was racist but rather how the staff handled everything afterwards? You need to read as much as you write.

Yeah, well i’m a frequent flyer too. And if you really are, as you say, then you would know that if a person is upgraded on a companion ticket, it would be the companion ticket that got bumped, not the primary ticket holder. So GTFOH.

how does that in anyway address the difference in behavior exhibited by the staff?