
I also watched this with my husband. I’m old enough to remember going to see Return of the Jedi three times (I was seven) - I loved Carrie Fisher then, and I continued loving her as I grew up and she wrote books I thought were fantastic. I had a bad episode of depression in my 20s, and Postcards from the Edge and

I an 24 weeks pregnant. I was watching this with my husband a few nights ago after someone posted it to my company’s Slack. He shut my laptop lid and said “I don’t think you should keep watching this. You’re laughing so much I’m worried the baby is going to fall out.”

You know your nostrils? You’ll notice they point downwards.

I used to smoke on a daily basis, and I was definitely impaired: goldfish memory, raspy cough, mild paranoia. I still smoke occasionally (not at the moment, because - topically - I’m pregnant), but it’s very much an occasional weekend thing these days, and I do not have those symptoms. I’m very successful in my

I’m 22 weeks pregnant at the moment, and did the same as you: researched the living shit out of it. Ultimately, I decided not to smoke any weed: I can manage without for nine months, and while the antiemetic effects would have been nice for the ten weeks I had morning sickness (which was horrific and kept me away from

How else are we going to demonstrate that America is exceptional if we don’t do things which other first-world countries wouldn’t countenance?

Did you take that picture on the bathroom floor?

Have you ever left ham in the fridge for long enough that it grows fur?

GOOD GOD YES. I was unable to pay proper attention to my hamachi with ponzu and jalapeno. THAT GOOD LOOKING.

Depends on the school: I went to two British boarding schools. One was girls only, and was run by a bunch of crazy evangelists - we got the whole works. No sex ed, certain pages torn out of biology textbooks, prayers up the wazoo, compulsory GCSE (national exams at 16) in Religious Studies, and even an exorcism when

I got taken out to Nobu in Las Vegas for a business meal on the expenses of a company that was trying to get some custom from ours a few years ago. Noted Fashion Photographer Nigel Barker was sat at the next table. I am afraid I paid about 80% less attention to the sales pitch I was being given as a direct result. A

This is fucking outrageous. I hope this won’t stop anybody having the abortion they need or want. And I know that in my own personal situation this could well have set off a mental breakdown.

Can I take this opportunity to say once again how very, very much I miss Millihelen?

I’m 40, and I remember my great grandma using that when I was...oh, tiny. It smells beautiful - I must buy some next time I’m in Boots! I’d forgotten they did it.

Same at my work. I’m an exec, and I wear a ton of the stuff, but plenty of our other female execs never wear makeup.

I’m British and I live in the UK; but I visit the US a lot, and have a deep affection for the country and many friends there - plenty of whom have female reproductive organs. I donated $100 the day after the election.

It means “thus” in Latin: it’s a marker that the (quoted) text it’s next to has been reproduced as it was originally written, complete with grammar/spelling errors etc.

Well, they *did* manage to write one of the most self-regarding, tone-deaf things I’ve ever read in these parts. On today, of all days.

That’s the medal the Queen gives you when you get made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE). I’m guessing he’s British - no idea who he is, though.

It is amazing to watch Trump’s surrogates STILL doing the “Men are talking!” thing openly, even after the week they’ve just had.