I have no experience as a nurse, but I have experience of being nursed, and the people who did it are the kindest, most patient people I’ve ever met.
I have no experience as a nurse, but I have experience of being nursed, and the people who did it are the kindest, most patient people I’ve ever met.
Two weeks ago, I had an operation for a chronic ectopic pregnancy (chronic ones, it turns out, are ones where once it’s burst your fallopian tube, it then implants somewhere else - in my case, my bowel). End of the first trimester, but still AWASH with hormones.
I am so damn lucky - I’m married to a guy who loves going down on me, AND WHO DOESN’T ENJOY BLOW JOBS.
I got both of these responses simultaneously from my mother. Although the pregnancy then turned out to be ectopic, which...showed her?
1) This is AMAZING
A colleague who used to work with the UK Government on security for politicians says that she dresses from head to toe in the same colour partly because it makes it much, much faster and easier for her security detail to pick her out in any given group of people. (Try it with your friends: I bet none of them is…
They are beautiful. I had to give up on heels a few years ago. The hinge in my big toe stopped working.
I am recalling the episode where Hef and the girls visit Kendra’s Mom’s house, and there is much reheated KFC. Spectacularly classy.
I am pregnant. I hate you.
I replayed Witcher 1 earlier this year; it hasn’t aged brilliantly but I still really, really enjoyed it. The combat’s way too easy, and the re-use of character models is immersion breaking, but I’ve still got a massive soft spot for it.
Quite a few, but not really the winners - Mollie-Sue was particularly successful (http://antm411.com/mollie-sue-ste…), and Kim did a lot of modelling before she became a TV presenter.
Oh, honey. It means to smile, but with your eyes. When I try this in photos (as I have attempted to ever since first viewing ANTM for the first time, circa season 2), I look tired/drunk/borderline insane, which is, I think, what Tyra wants for me.
Yup - that was when I stopped watching too. Kelly Kutrone (sp? - I dislike her too much to be able to bring myself to google it) was just horrible to have in your living room.
She was a wonderful, very, very, very strange thing. Her Pot Ledom song wasn’t even all that bad, all considered.
I can’t work out whether the face-full of fish scales is worse. I think on balance the crab claws are probably the (delicious, meaty) winner.
I loved Yoanna. Those early seasons were SO watchable.