
Well, some of the women on Twitter who support GamerGate aren’t really women, of course. But I agree, it’s a problem. It’s the woman in the supermarket who stops another woman and tells her off for bottlefeeding, or the woman who calls another woman a slut, or the woman who doesn’t stick up for another woman over

I was actually quite surprised how few views it had on YouTube; deserves a much wider audience.

Thank you for that. He articulated the whole mess beautifully.

“I didn’t think I’d ever have a relationship with a girl who weighs more than me.”

I and the good people of Springfield are with you.

Japanese taxis also have magic doors which open and close on their own; the drivers get antsy if you try to open or close them yourself. God, but I love Japan.

One of my best friends back then had a fringe (bangs for you Americans) which she laboriously sprayed to stand up completely vertically from her head every morning. This was before There’s Something About Mary.

I swear there were only about four different hairdos among those girls. My favourite was the shoulder length bob that got all bulbous and solid at the bottom. Closely followed by the twelve-cans-of-hairspray do where the hair is held a good eight horizontal inches from the head.

The hair! Now, I have hair. It grows out of my head. I think it’s pretty normal for hair. I have had hair - the head kind - for 39 years now, and never have I been able to (or tempted to) make it do ANY OF THE THINGS THOSE WOMEN’S HAIR WAS DOING.

Someone should have stepped in and stopped him WAY before it ended. Jesus.

They were long-divorced by then. It was all mildly creep-tastic; he’s sixteen years older than her and spent that period being flamboyantly drunk.

Yup, that’s him. I would like to apologise on behalf of the rest of Great Britain. This is all something of an embarrassment.

That’s one sweary lawyer. (And I do hope they win the case.)

This is the second link to a Lucky Peach thingy I’ve seen on sites I read regularly this week. And I’m really pleased: I subscribe to the paper magazine, and it’s really worth it; absolute treasure trove of stuff, and so well thought out.

I have been applying way too much thought to this. Current hypothesis: the “natural” hair is a real-human-hair wig, which behaves when wet like actual hair does. That’s the best I can do; I just can’t see how it works otherwise.

I am envious of these people who can play games stoned. I am a goldfish-memoried, all-thumbs moron when I’m allowed anywhere near cannabis, and have messed up a million save games as a result.