Those myths are cute and all, but that song is the greatest thing I've heard all week.
The above is completely false. I advise you all to follow this instructional video when needed:
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe :P
Speedo. Oh wait, no.
'Bout to bust some education up in here.
The best part of this story is when the officer places his hand over the car expecting a heat signature. Tesla is the future ha!
you don't "order" online. all you do it pick out the stuff you want on it, and that stuff is generally transmitted to the nearest dealer, who will then contact you and attempt to upsell you on just about everything under the sun - including whatever fees (like markup) that the dealer thinks you should have to pay for…
I contend that Subaru is slipping into mediocrity. They had a nice niche market with a rabid fanbase composed of those who truly appreciated AWD paired with a low COG, and were willing to deal with the compromises inherent within. Subaru is in the middle of broadening their market appeal, and in doing so they're…
We're the Nintendo Generation ;)
I'm a millenial, with a wagon, and I approve this message.
The driving is my favorite part of GTA IV, if everything else is taking a serious turn why shouldn't the driving as well? Makes things a lot more interesting when you can't just easily escape a cop because the game handles like crazy taxi (looking at you saints row/sleeping dogs)