Why does everyone leave Raditz out of everything?
Why does everyone leave Raditz out of everything?
All I see is particle wood and a fancy desk.
I agree and I think it’s because the front looks like a desk, and when you see that it, it totally takes you out of what is otherwise nice work. Why are the keyboard and mouse not implemented better? A true arcade cabinet would never have that. All I see is unfinished particle wood.
Best Idea.
Did they really think we wouldn’t notice that this isn’t Halo anymore?
Well someone probably DID drug her, as they’ve done many times. If you think I’m speaking out my ass, you obviously don’t know the mainstream music industry very well. The level of depravity and abuse that occurs is at at a level akin to slavery (Only with more rape and drugging). She really does have some serious…
How would a map NOT help in this situation? I mean.... right?
Ummmm. I think “realistic” Mario looks awesome. I want.
Shitty comment
If you want the realest looking gore film.... watch the august underground series
Table Salt is bad for you. Let's get that correct.
Such a Kotaku thing to say :p
I have only gotten the flu once in my life when i was 5. My mom brought me in for a flu shot (the only flu shot ive ever gotten).... Against my will of course. In fact, the people i know that don't get flu shots.... don't get the flu, and vice versa. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy argument, but this is my…
longer? no
Im super shocked that nobody has drawn attention to to the obvious "Barlowes Guide...." The inspiration is obvious. https://www.google.com/search?q=barlo…
hahahaha x bone
I'm so glad that Pyramid head dude is still aroun. I saw him at my first con in 2006. Unmistakable. Nice guy too ^_^
As a man with a hydrogen atom on his arm, I must agree!