
The only one we’ve raged against in Titty Ex was that handsome Puck. <3
Because he keeps somehow luring me over to him during his second form.

It’s not the last dungeon, proper, as two more dungeons are only available to be unlocked after you finish the current storyline.

But it’s fun trying to walk around when you can’t feel anything from your ankles down.

And then it turns out the hand gun is part of a deeper easter egg.

I thought there were four agents and the fourth only showed up in the hardest difficulty.

I tried growing squash, cucumbers and tomatoes last year. They all sprouted and got a few inches, but then the squash just up and died. The cucumbers gave two or three tiny things and then also died. The tomatoes grew to about five-seven inches, then just stopped. They didn’t die, they just...stopped. Since they

Not necessarily just the previous gen. They did rerelease the second and third games for current gen consoles not long ago.

Aren’t effervescent the penultimate gear rank from the first BL that went away in BL2?

I thought the XIV to XV crossover started the same time as the XV to XIV event.

The worst might be a driving game that has players racing a car to a theater to make it in time for a Hollywood premiere. This game actually has a bit of narrative and even a short ending cutscene.

A few weeks ago, someone on twitter posted a clip of Ai with a cup, and then a shot of a convenience store with a massive gap on two shelves surrounded by other flavors, then cursed her for it.

I’ve been using two different apps, and both get wildly different overall results for the same tracking. One never breaks 60% unless I get around eight hours, while the other is always between 85-95% unless I get less than five hours. That’s about the only time they both start getting closer to each other’s results.

  • Birds will fly away. Drive like they’re not there.

Did you not see sax Brick sporting one, too?

You speak of the cafe car, but not the dinning car, and elude that it’s restricted only to those of higher-cost fares, but it’s for everyone regardless if you’re coach or in a room.

That goes for all types of travel. Amtrak, if it’s on short notice of less than two weeks, tends to be cheaper in business than economy. And depending on if you switch at a main hub, it comes with lost of benefits.

Heirsbane is more like he couldn’t decide whether he wanted a rifle or a sword, so he grafted a blade to the side of the barrel, rather than actually make the back of the blade into a barrel, so it works as an actual projectile, but the barrel placement fucks up it’s usability as a slashing weapon by limiting the

A couple years ago, I was in the passenger seat of my mom’s van, stopped in the right lane of a three-way intersection. The light had changed to let the left turns go, and as a four-door car was going through, a small pickup came flying through the intersection and slammed into the car, sending them spinning across

This is only a fragment of the new content and lesser still of what they plan on releasing over the next few months, to the amount of near full fledged expansions with no cost.

This doesn’t glance over the situation where you come across an abandoned pet. One of my previous dogs was left at a dog park tied to a fence. She got untied and spent the afternoon with my mom and her dog till the park closed and no one came looking for her, so she brought her home. The next day we heard from the