
Optimistic that they’ll do it eventually, but not that they’ll do it right, right away or even timely. You’re trying to generalize the idea, rather than address what I’m actually referring to, though.

Bone meal actually isn’t considered good for animals.

If they have Finn narrating the game, I’m sold.
Unless I have to wait months for them to release a paid add-on for it.

The conference rooms at my work are named after medals, from bronze to platinum. Some in other buildings were named after product lines.

I’ve got four in my list, but I only listen to two of ‘em.

Are we sure the guy outside and the guy inside didn’t try staging a stunt to get in guinness? Or maybe someone mentioned the Darwin awards to them and they thought they could win.

Ah, but is he an illegal ROBOT immigrant?

Sooo... the DLC having you do this is grounds for story time, but the main game also making you do this doesn’t?

If not for Ethan, this would’ve slipped right past everyone.

“Oh, didn’t you see the massive badge on my sleeves? I’m associated with the Red Ribbon Army! You know, that group of villains that’s tried to kill you guys a hundred times over, steal the dragon’s ballz for world conquest, kidnapped and mutilated people into cyborgs and created murderous robots.
That Red Ribbon Army.”

Plowing plots is Goku’s territory.

“Why yes! I do have a catch phrase!”
“What is it?”
“We heard you, but what is it?”
“What is what?”
“Your catch phrase.”

Gearbox did say they want to have some continuity tie-in between Battleborn and Borderlands. Eventually. So yea, the game’ll continue to die-out, since f2p hasn’t seemed to do anything for it, but it’ll forever live on like the legacy of Handsome Jack.

Not because “Huh! Honor! JUSTICE! Reinhardt. Reinhardt! REINHARDT! HaHAH!”?

I’ve gone to school and worked with girls who were hovering around four feet tall. Two of them were sisters.

I thought reddit was just aggregating stories written in the future for the past to read before it became relevant in the present.

He explained that Nintendo had simply underestimated how much people wanted (to scalp) the Switch.

Only after work hours.

Yet no mention of mobile King’s Knight leaving FFXV for real mobiles.
Not even Squenix announced it, and their site’s page for it hasn’t been updated since it was made long before launch. I heard about it in an email on launch day from a mobile game site that gives out preregistry rewards.

The differences being: