
Compressed air, you’d need to bury a hose so you can have it expel upwards, or else it will only blow in whatever direction you’re pointing across the ground. And if you point it straight down, it won’t look as dramatic, unless you’re going for the look of something like a Tallgeese slamming to the ground, in which

And for explosions, a little bit of gas or oil in a controlled area, and usually two people so one can operate the camera while the other sets the pacific northwest on fire again. And then throw-in a third one for good measure and to drive the getaway vehicle.

I didn’t say that was the practice in Ireland. They’re not as drunkharded as media makes them out to be, though they don’t all even know half the story behind the day anymore, either. And they do drink to celebrate, but not to the point of being unable to take one step without starting a bar fight.

The last time I heard the origin of the day, it was said to celebration of St Patrick and the “driving of snakes from the land,” which they described as basically chasing out people trying to spread christianity there, and nothing about it being the day of Saint Patrick’s death, but that he was celebrated as a

But what if you have a 4s and a 6s? 4+6=Xs², right? That means I should have a phone from the future, right?

Originally, no, but they became that way after people started to turn it into a cash grab. Like how St Patrick’s Day is a day the Irish celebrate driving christianity from the iles, yet has been turned into an excuse for getting drunk.

I know they outlaw certain species like snakes, but don’t say anything about what happens if they’re found or caught loose. In the case of keeping farm animals in an area that doesn’t allow them, they’re likely sent to a farm if their condition is good, or destroyed. Or you’re fined and given a finite amount of time

They’re also raising the costs of games and throwing in tons of extras at additional costs that are usually already in the first cost. Plus the growing number of bundles and exclusives and hunting you have to do to find a game which then gets pawned-off at a higher price because some companies don’t know how to create

There are also city ordinances that if your (unspayed/neutered) pet gets loose and taken to the pound, your pet will leave a little of themselves behind, depending on when is safe for the adult and children. A female will be required after delivery, along with all the offspring, while a male will be before leaving.

When Helldivers was still getting players, I’d throw out a tank or something else that carries everyone. Instead of getting behind the turrets, or just the layer of armour in general, people would constantly jump out and run in front of the vehicle, getting themselves killed, shoot the people that aren’t in the tank,

Probably not, but I don’t see how it strongly helps any sales if people can just watch someone else do the whole thing and spoil the entire game for them. If anything, playthroughs for games I don’t own, or just watching others play usually show me that I don’t want to play it at all. The more I’ve seen of BotW, the

You have it backwards. The internet is a digital manifestation of Japan in terms of just about everything, at least a good 70%.

No animal is automatically spayed or neutered. Spay and neuter are done as a procedure of admittance to a shelter or rescue if a stray is found and unclaimed, or an animal is taken from an abusive owner. It’s not done to every animal that is brought in as that would be a violation of the owner’s rights. If you’ve

Another reason I must go to Japan. All those poor, abandoned trains waiting to be adopted.

I played Mobius for a while, up till the end of chapter two (which was all that was available at the time), but that chapter end ruined the game for me to the point I quit. The end of the first part of the anniversary event doesn’t help that point, either.

I was rather surprised when I found chargers at a place I was interviewing at a few months ago. A massive building that covered at least ten to twelve acres out of a near-thirty acre parcel. The main portion was lined with windows for most of its sun-facing walls with a sloped roof covered in grass, leading down to an

Those zombies look way too identical to the Plants v Zombies zombies.

I’m not so sure. There are shows I watch once a week, and I might forget at least half of what happened last week. One is a mystery series that’s been running for over ten years and always ends with a clue to the current/next story, and I rarely remember that, even if I watched the last week’s a few days or hours

Wait, we were supposed to bring foil? I brought wax paper and plastic wrap.

Although someone did manage to cobble together a refinery to turn used cooking oil into fuel for his car, as seen in an episode of Dirty Jobs and then later tested on Mythbusters.