
The secret is that that is not really Ash, but Evil Ash, Ash’s evil twin clone brother.

The company’s made other, stranger things, like turning what was a microphone design from Card Captor Sakura into a large, clunky hairdryer that the person modeling it doesn’t seem too thrilled about.

Thong or G-string. There’s also a c-string, but it doesn’t actually involve any strings and is more of a clamp-on thong that doesn’t go anywhere near your hips.

Finding it and wearing it are two different things. Luffy’s more hoping to find it on someone else so he has an excuse to undress someone.

With that chin and the subtle lip movements, I thought that was actually a guy crossdressing and saying it.

Lee is the god of water, and thus it rises to support him and carry him across.

The one time either has been able to use chaka is when releasing (any of) the seven gates. At that point, it’s a massive buff that scales as they open more, but at the same time, their body is practically shredded in the process. It doesn’t allow them to use genjutsuu or ninjutsuu, although they are still able to move

I give it two days tops after it rolls out, and people will be screaming for a nerf.

Whoever wrote that description is crazy, because even the characters that can’t use chakra run like that and can even run faster than those who do (Rock Lee, Might Guy).

Man, that run’s been around longer than Naruto and I did it then. I don’t remember what it was I saw it in before that, though.

Most of the time I get an interview like this, there’s at least one person who doesn’t talk. I had one like this for Brunswick and Trendway, the latter of which I was so sick that I nearly passed out in the conference room, but one person almost didn’t talk at all, while another barely talked compared to the third.

I see that new charades mod for Prey is working great.

I for one welcome our incoming Angel of (Life and) Death.

Finally! A reason to have an unuseable egg that’s already long past its expiration date!

“How insensitive!

What do they have in common?

I dunno, the ball always seemed to work how I wanted it, rolling around the arena walls and landing with enough spin to keep going straight in, even going so far as to bounce off the goalie into their own goal. The only part that didn’t work well was the jump pad in the goal that launches the goalie over the goal

Damnit Mei, if only you had gone to bed on time like everyone else, but no, even nine years ago, you’re still holding the team back!

That might explain why they started putting a real human being dressed up as him in their commercials.

Most anyone I’ve seen (that isn’t in some movie/serialization about the South) that has a handkerchief uses it as a pocket towel in place of disposables in bathrooms or at any sink. Those same people also carry pocket tissues for their nose and other things that aren’t drying their hands or wiping dirt off people.