
Some items prominently displaying the numbers 4 and 9 should not be given, since the reading of 4 (shi) suggests death (shi) or 9 (ku) a homonym for suffering or torture (ku). Thus, a comb, or kushi is most avoided material as gift.

Another thing about business cards: when I had a general language study class (a little bit of french, a dab of spanish, a hint of japanese...) in junior high, a teacher came from japan and gave everyone cards. We were then asked not to put them in our back pocket because that was seen as being disrespectful, sitting

“Works of art”? Really? They couldn’t make something more... interesting? Realistic? Meaningful? Who would waste military power and resources to send a squadron into a defunct military base just to retrieve art? Especially if this is to take place within the timeframe of WWII, you’d think their concerns would be more

Never have I thought I would hear the word “kanban” outside of a work environment.

Actually, their original costumes look more like a brazilian cut and the newer ones are wedgies-in-the-making.

Winston dropped a shield on Widowmaker.
Mei popped the Widowmaker out of the shield with an ice wall.

I moved schools between fifth and sixth grade, and only one person knew about it because I ran into him at a store on the edge of the next city over. All I told him was I was moving and let everyone know, but to where.

Actually, Terumi and Hazama merged into one being, apparently. Or was it one was an alias of the other to infiltrate Librium... There was something about Terumi and Hazama being split sides of each other in the mobile, but that was a very brief description, with the rest of it being scattered across the different

The fact that the creator of RWBY and the lead writer not being around to see his creation make it into a major crossover game? What part are you missing?

I’d have to argue that it’s more funny that they actually made toys based on that rather than the video’s existence. If were Buzz, I’d understand, since I think they had an exosuit thing for him.

I’m excited for the release date and a pre-Toy Story 3 world, but I’m even more excited for that shapeshifting keyblade. It also makes me worried for how the keyblade will work this time around. Will the shapeshifting only apply to the original keyblade? Will it work with other keychains to a limited capacity, ie the

“Mission mode” can mean anything from short five minutes quests to full-on half-hour to an hour individual campaigns. The video didn’t show anything other than a cooperative fight against one of the Naruto summons. No mention of length, depth, content, so I ask, “Did YOU watch the video?” because a passing mention of

When I was leaving, I kept it hidden from almost everyone. Maybe five or six people knew out of a hundred some, and then one transferred from my shift to second (which has upwards of a two hour gap between them) saw me leaving the last day and probably didn’t believe me when she joked that it looked like I was leaving

Maybe they’ll take another hint from Battleborn and include a four-person story/mission/scenario mode, but much more expansive than eight repetitive siege maps and five mini-campaigns.

Metro Detroit, Metro St Paul and now southwest Michigan. I don’t think I’ve even seen a “top grade” grocery or market in over five years, closest being strictly a fruit market that went under over seven years ago. Then again, the only butcher shop I’ve seen was in the St Paul area and was less than double grocers.

My half-elf druid started out as a lawful neutral, but gradually fell to true neutral as the story developed to be one of the members in the party (a chaotic neutral elven necromancer) killed my druid’s last surviving family member and burned down the forest we lived in. And was also the same asshole that kept trying

Definitely can’t say I’ve ever seen any kind of meat priced near $10/lbs. I’ve seen steaks cost a total of $10-$20 in stores or $20-60 in restaurants, but the closest I’ve ever seen to $10 was once years ago around that huge blackout.

I didn’t realize fending off random deathclaw attacks is a sport.

That’s what my last job did. A couple frantic phone calls from the staffing manager to me and all my emergency contacts (since I was working nights while he was on days) a couple hours after I was asleep, just to say that my department manager decided to suddenly cut people without notice and to call him as soon as