
Didn’t they go the other way and make it so games influenced the avatars and some had objectives that unlocked some costume piece?

If Silver’s back, that means 06 is considered canon.

Rachel looks more like Chloe than Chloe.

Quickly, I decided to do the only thing I could: climb the crow’s nest and ring my bell one last time. Sadly, I failed, and my faithful bell sounded no more as it sank beneath a silent sea.

Fifteen year anniversary re release of something that hasn’t had any new material in five years.

Alright, they gassed us. Where are my mutant powers?

I’d rather give sociopaths attention than conservative “friends” who don’t know how to follow the onscreen prompts to pay respect.

Pre-production for a pre-quel.

I didn’t see any atv or utv. It can’t be all motorsports if the only off-road vehicles are monster trucks and dirt bikes. I mean, we even had a herd of horses join the race, but do they get any racing cred? No.

One does not simply “slap on an eye.”

Given the appearance of an artificial arm with more tricks than Corvo and the use of Outsider powers, it has to take place some time after. That didn’t look like an eye patch, but almost like an X-men prostatic eye that restores some of her vision. If anything, she’s turned cyborg.

It depends on which ending you consider canon.

What? That characters you meet at the beginning of the game are still around at the end? That you can kill them? That there’s a boat? That you’re ON a boat?

You’re welcome for spoiling that there is an elevator and that conscious guards can survive falling several stories. Or that I’ve cleared the game twice and both was merciful and homicidal. Or that there’s a New Game+ that’s already been covered on here long, long ago. Or that I killed a character that will reappear

Well, this just made my last playthrough completely uncanon. Waited till the last mission, then threw her and Sokolov off the highest point of the boat.

Probably along the vein of Undead Nightmare in that it can be independant or add-on that won’t affect the main game.

Chloe looks like Max, and we know Chloe wasn’t in the car with her dad when the accident happened, so there’ll be some reality tweakings happening.

It’s nice they keep it side scroller rather than omnidirectional and make it harder to hit anything with special attacks like Xeno. Too bad the fighters look like sprites attempting to model cell shaded polys. The animatic, though, looked like a good blend of 3D with 2D effects.

Not only do they return to Olympus, but even expand on the Greek mythology by bringing in Pandora’s Box?