
Organic cotton, with organic stitching hand woven by a highly trained pigmy that has designed clothes for royalty since the day it was born, coloured with organic colours and hand detailed lettering and logos.

And here I thought Buu’s name was just a way to hide that he likes massajin some buubs.

Is everyone from Universe 6 named after veggies?

Matching shirts, a few new cars, a new camera and three days at Red Lobster.

Never mind the length of the cord, think of your electric bill.

No no, I want promises, promises of fiery failures where they burn their eyebrows off and two or three end up without any hair for two years. We need something to roast marshmallows over when the whole thing falls through.

I can attest that Winston is fairly heavily favored, despite his weak, short-range attack. I remember in the first days of the anniversary, someone said they’d blocked like 10k with it. The next match I went into, I walked the payload all the way and blocked over 50k. Unless it was a team of Pharah and Junkrat, by the

Sure! I’ll bring some bats, chipmunks, flying squirrels, deer, turkey, foxes, wolves, unidentified-white-fluffy-things and owls. You’ve pretty much already got everything else.

They probably think they’re too metal.

The more I looked at, the less It it felt like and more like a grumpy guy dressed as a victorian clown.

There’s also the opening scenes from VII which all took place on a train. It’s mellow, a little dark but not overwhelmingly.

No, because the japanese VA sounds better doing it. The english VA sounds too aggressive and kinda angry while the other sounds happy and excited.

Your train is departing on time!
Battle Won!

I think I only ever saw that once after a HotS match. And it was likely the one where a clusterfuck of fucks decided to focus everyone’s death on one character and just whine the Whole. Entire. Match. And it was a new person, too. Just a constant stream of “You obviously don’t like this game. Just quit now. You’re not

I know what I’m watching tomorrow night.

Maybe he liked the art, or wanted tips on how to be pretty.

Remember that the janitor’s storeroom you see is off of the girls’ dorm, and being a nature nut, there’s a good chance he picked-up any discarded paper materials around it to recycle them, and the developer planted them there as girl mags to draw attention and suspicion on him. And also being the girls’ dorm, there’s

I was told you could also put it in the microwave for a few seconds. Supposedly, “it’s better for you™” warm and flat.

It can’t cure the lead poisoning.

More often than not, anything carbonated would make my stomach worse. I can’t drink it on an empty stomach, nor a full one. At best, all carbonated drinks would do is give you more gas, forcing your body to expel it in some way.