Ability granted armor/shields can’t be healed.
Ability granted armor/shields can’t be healed.
Since health from healers can be a constant but armour/shields don’t regenerate till a few seconds after they stop taking damage, yea. Hp would be restored first, then armour, but any form of healing will eventually restore both.
In D.Va, Orisa or Heiny’s case, it’s armour, since they have actual shields. Especially in D.Va’s case, because it’s a MEKA, essentially an armed, armoured exosuit. You could literally call it armour because it acts just like it, protecting the soft, squishy lump of inferior organic puss inside.
I actually kinda miss when using her ult was like committing suicide. It doesn’t feel right, otherwise, that Pharah can kill herself but Junkrat can ride the blast like a rocket and barely bumps himself from the grenades. If I recall, Rat used to take damage from his mine, but not near as much as opponents.
Armor heals, hp needs health packs or Mercy. Or Zenny.
Unless Roadhog finds him first.
Her ult seems to alternate in effectiveness. Sometimes, I could be far, far away from it and still get hit, but times there can be someone (not Heinny) two mech-widths away and barely take any. The same with riptire. I’ve been in matches where it didn’t touch someone that was close to it, and matches where it cleared…
D.Va is her own waifu.
We only saw her once, close to a decade ago, and she was in occasional contact for a while after, but not in over five years. So even knowing her address at this point is unlikely.
She held a, supposed, license for it. No one asked to see it because we wanted to get away from the house as soon as possible.
They still bred their dogs. Whether their ethical about it or not, they’re still breeding with intent of making money off them.
Even those that are legitimate breeders are scum.
Gauss? It looks like imitation electromagnetic coils.
To be fair, it’s Bruce in a cowl. He’s always more stoic and... inanimate... when suited up, as opposed to his day life.
When we had a tortoise and were trying to figure out what she’d eat, one thing we tried was mustard greens. Since she was still tiny and not eating much, I ate some in a turkey sandwich, and I couldn’t even taste it other than a hint of near mustard-spice. The tomato and meat had a stronger flavor, and trying it on…
She’s got fish eyes. Even if the lids, brows and lips move, she still has the same, dead expression on her face. It could also be the lack of movement in her head. She’s threatening Bruce, but yet all she really does to intimidate him is kick an Arkham gate down. She doesn’t sneer, glare, look down on him, shake her…
That’s a different map than I’ve seen the last four years. The one I saw always showed all three locations in the same climate, with the third being almost right on the southern edge.
I moved from Michigan to Minnesota and back.
We had a sudden frost about a week or two ago that caused the bulbs that had already sprouted and bloomed to wilt, but they came back after a day.