Have you tried looking around the UK?
Have you tried looking around the UK?
What? There are people who don’t live in America? But Trump said he “took care of them” and “they won’t be bothering us ever again.”
The comment you are snarking to is complaining about them claiming to make the game historically accurate while excluding women from battle reenactments, and only having them in multiplayer, not as part of canon story.
I always tried 3D for all (of eight) of my games, but for some, like Project X Zone, having any degree of 3D on caused the game to start lagging, and in some cases, it practically brought the game to a standstill.
Why, Cid!? WHY!? You could have taken any ship to the end of the world, but you had to take the Highwind! She didn’t deserve what happened to her!
It also doesn’t as many people have had extreme mood swings and complete lack of self from using it.
There’s only one Highwind that belongs to Cid, and four Highwind crafts in the entire franchise. Two don’t show up in a FF game but are the raft and first gummi ship in Kingdom Hearts. The other Highwind craft is a trade ship from Tactics.
No one “plans” to game on the weekend. It just a natural way of life.
I don’t see a problem. I and several other people were able to use her without a problem. I even spectated several matches with a D.Va. Maybe it’s just an issue with those who used edits to reduce her hitbox or increase her accuracy.
I was listening to (supposedly) jpop on pandora (it keeps trying to sneak NiN and others in, or american/british/swedish artists) when Highwind started playing. The version in point was a violin cover by an american violinist that releases albums of nothing but jpop covers.
This was never directly about feecof, but the feinecaf.
Cid’s Highwind, because all other Highwinds are posers.
I don’t know, that’s why I was laughing. Part of it was probably because it’s labeled as both “Highwind” and “Cid’s Theme”. I think less of Cid and more of the Highwind when I hear it, though, since it plays every time you board.
That’d be an amazing feat since I already don’t have one.
I think I’m having the opposite effect where I used to have upwards of five or six cans of 160 mg and am now having two or three and feel disheartened to the point where thinking of the Highwind going through hell made me cry because it was going beyond it’s limits. I can’t say that it helped the song was being played…
Puzzles can be interesting for a while, but a long string of “puzzle A leads to puzzle B, but if you solve it this way, it can lead to puzzle D2" gets really annoying if that’s all you’re doing. Especially if it makes it out to be you’re a volunteer to subject yourself to saw-like experimentation.
I know, I tried using the VR from Google’s exploring app a couple weeks ago and the image quality tanked while it became harder than hell to get the two images to match up despite how I’ve been able to freely cross my eyes for years.
We should note that, by our math, at roundabout $60 for an eighth of marihuana, 60 pounds of weed would be about $460,800 in street value. Dilworth police, where are you buying your weed?
I used to try keeping the team balanced, according to the game’s scripted “DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER NO HEALER!”