
Meanwhile, Nintendo stock dropped two points and the company lays-off a hundred employees, while scalper payouts triple and they go on a month-long cruise.

Light years ahead, perched on some precipice in enemy territory, that’s when the wild Genji will shout his Mercy mating call.

That won’t happen till we at least get a patch to nerf the fuck out of the shitty President Boss.

I thought school was supposed to be a walkthrough. They keep telling you “you need to know this later,” “this is important when you’re an adult,” “make sure you remember this.”

The update added more than stilettos to Genji and McCree, it also added backstory to most characters in the main character gallery page and on certain skins. Zenny’s the only one who got left with only the main page.

It was stuff like that that kept me from getting anywhere in P3. If I tried to make my team not suck as much, the game penalized me. If I decided to throw developing their dungeon skills out the window and work on being social, it penalized me. If I decided to stay home and do my homework, it penalized me, THEN stole

Whoa now, no one said anything about getting in bed with 4chan.

Psst, I think he was talking about you.

Why would anyone be bringing velvita shells and cheese to a protest?

You assume Krump can remember a code longer than his finger.

Could be worse. It could have been coded in flash.

I often wondered what episode ended with a title card minus Ren and Stimpy.

They went and bought a switch and a solar charger.

Part of it’s also the fact that he had a huge impact on the current state of halloween.

Since it’s practically the universal icon for people who don’t give out their personal identity online... you’re talking about everyone.

I was at the commencement every year for high school and I, too, don’t remember anything from them outside of the entire band standing silently when one of the drum majors walked by.

The second-to-last was the best, but Lazy Town would have been better if not for those couple awkward-feeling trills.