
I mentioned that Astro is more known now because Osamu Tezuka, the reboot series and the movie, and the upcoming prequel series. And I like Astro movie.

The movie is just like the episodes, only longer. It doesn’t really fit in the story anywhere absolutely, but is considered to take place around episode 22 and, like most of the episodes that don’t involve the crew coming or going, or Spike and Vicious or Julia, it can be considered it’s own story that has no impact

There’s the three book Cowboy Bebop series (which only had the Bebop crew and Big Shot), and then the two book series Shooting Star, which somehow predates the entire series despite the two book series being ported years after the three books.

Come for Overwatch and Phoenix,
learn more about Gundam Wing than I thought I knew.

It wasn’t quite, because most of the series and the manga were standalone stories with next to no overarching plot between them. But Bebop did have two manga series, one of which predated the anime’s premier by a year or two. It was a short series, yet spanned 97-98, kinda like Megami Kouhosei but for different

Galaxy Express 888

That’s why it’s not 100%.With Handshakers, it’s the gears. All the gears.

Conan will keep going for eternity because he is literally ageless. The entire series is trapped in the same year, despite the present evolution of technology.

As someone who’s been watching anime since the 90's, that is a direct insult to my honor and I take complete offence to that comment, sir, as I watch upwards of 90% of the actual Japanese-made content that comes out every season.

Don’t you mean Astro Boy? Mega Man wishes he could be Astro and have butt machine guns.

Bebop’s movie came out around 01, so no. It’s listed as a ‘98 series, but the manga was released in ‘97, all episodes are considered to have first aired in ‘01 while the movie was released that same year, yet then came later.

In a way, it’s starting to feel more like it harkens to The World Ends With You, what with the undead and a coffee shop that can see the players.

That’s what I usually follow, but starting a few months ago, my mom’s number always appears on my phone as “unknown.” Luckily, the scammers stopped making unknown and unavailable calls and instead use numbers for other states or occasionally three digits away from my own.

Yea, it’s been around for years, but it never really seemed to work quite right for me. Either it made the text unreadable by turning it into a black/white blob, or didn’t do anything at all and was overwritten by the theme, which not all themes choose the lesser of the two evils since Sony only thinks shadows should

“To infinity, and that Hill Over THERE!”

Whelp, time to start shipping Bastion and Orisa.

The recycling programs in both where I’m living now and where I lived a year ago asked everyone to compact their bottles/jugs and rinse everything out. They don’t fine you for not doing it, but they’re both listed as “requirements”. Both helped in my old town, since everything got picked-up by a city worker in a flat

That is not a valid answer as there are many ways to toast something.

There was also a more ridiculous myth that beating the elite four x times or using one certain pokemon to beat them all would make Oak flip his shit and decide to leave, taking you to some fictional new city full of “Pokemon Gods”. And this was before they actually did start creating god-like pokemon.

That sounds more like they’d sell it like cheese in jelly slices.